Hidden Mr. Saturn Picture in Brawl


Nerdy Guy


There's an article about it here.

As you can see from the picture and article, the brawl staff hid a picture of a Mr. Saturn in one of the Metroid textures, it's pretty interesting. I wonder if they put that in there to amuse themselves, or to surprise hackers. I also heard the a picture of a cat in the Pokémon Stadium 2 stage, but I don't know enough about it.
I don’t have the time/know-how to confirm this myself, but it seems pretty interesting.
Regarding the hidden cat, there is a picture when it's in ice mode I think.

It's SSB and Kirby creator Sakurai's pet cat apparently.
Togepi said:
Regarding the hidden cat, there is a picture when it's in ice mode I think.

It's SSB and Kirby creator Sakurai's pet cat apparently.
Do you have a screenshot? :koopa:
Togepi said:
Super Happy Nerd Time said:
Togepi said:
Regarding the hidden cat, there is a picture when it's in ice mode I think.

It's SSB and Kirby creator Sakurai's pet cat apparently.
Do you have a screenshot? :koopa:
Interesting. What's that thing on the shudders? I think I see a kid or something on there! :toad: (I'm using a DSi so I have a bit more of a close up on it then most people)

EDIT: Is it "shudders" or "shutters"?
I believe it is "shut + er", as in that which shuts.
You're welcome. :)