ITT - What did you last go "om nom nom" on?

Sugar Cookie Bar.
Grilled chicken with steamed vegetables, a baked potato and a glass of milk.
Pizza topped with hummus, mushrooms, and chicken. Not a real pizza but it was still good.
Baloney, cheese and lettuce sandwich on whole wheat. So tasty. And healthy.

Last night I had a bag of Skittles and a slice of pepperoni, bacon and mushroom pizza for dinner. So tasty. And unhealthy.
Mozarella sticks. I just got braces, so they were nearly impossible to eat. I can't wait to get these bitches off.
Clawdia Koopa said:
Mozarella sticks. I just got braces, so they were nearly impossible to eat. I can't wait to get these bitches off.
Braces are a pain. I've had mine for about 2.5 years. My first day with braces, I was upside-down on the couch, attempting to stick a pasta noodle down my throat because it was so hard to eat.

With luck, I should get mine off tomorrow. Good.