Video Game Name Generator

I saw a topic about that around a month ago while browsing through the forums. It has some pretty epic outcomes. I thought about making a thread here back when I saw the thread, but I decided to wait a while incase it was considered ripping them off. However I forgot about it and never remembered it until now. :P
Transvestite Go-Kart Overload, Unbelievable Android Munchers, Inbred Casino Commander, Bling Bling Monkey Inspector.

All great games.
Monty Python's Amish of Doom
National Lampoon's Golf at the Olympics, Throbbing Hillbilly Disaster, Arcane Motocross Special Edition, ............. First-Person Sushi Trivia?

EDIT: Happy Rabbit Factory. :-* :birdo:

EDIT2: Zombie Casino - Collector's Edition. Epic. O0