Wiki Currently Down


Nerdy Guy

The wiki is currently not working. Typing in the url brings up a GoDaddy page. Steve is currently trying to fix it (according to what I heard). Ironicly, the forum had the same problem this morning and the wiki was fine during that time. Everything will hopefully be fixed soon. Please continue to remain calm. ;)

Thank you.
All day yesterday it was down. As well as the forums.

I was actually able to access the wiki, until I got one of those GoDaddy errors.

EDIT: I'm actually able to access it right now.
Ice Mario said:
All day yesterday it was down. As well as the forums.
I was actually able to get on the forum yesterday. I didn't really have any problems and Steve and Stoob were the only other people that managed to get online.

EDIT: Hmm... Maybe it's just me. Unstickied!