World's Saddest Internet Argument Techniques


Dry Bowser
Retired Wiki Staff
I saw this, thought it was a funny, even though I'm terrible at arguments and might have accidentally used one of these... Still, I thought I'd share it:

No I'm not. You're both of them. :mad:
#1 is fun against gullible people.
The best one that describes me is probably 2 (though, not quite as extreme as the example given). Also, I have a feeling I might occaisionally be 3 and 7.
SmartyGuy said:
The best one that describes me is probably 2 (though, not quite as extreme as the example given). Also, I have a feeling I might, occaisionally, be 3 and 7.
I've seen you do #3 on page 46 of Control the Throne.
Muigi said:
SmartyGuy said:
The best one that describes me is probably 2 (though, not quite as extreme as the example given). Also, I have a feeling I might, occaisionally, be 3 and 7.
I've seen you do #3 on page 46 of Control the Throne.
Except Control the Throne isn't a/an debate/argument (which is what we're dealing with here), it's a silly little game.
Muigi said:
I think I complained a few times in that thread...

And I did.
Yeah; I think the Holocaust happened, and it did.

Anyway, those didn't really constitute an argument.
It's amusing to see how many of these Rudnicki fits into.