What's the weather like where you are?

snowy and wet and cold and snowy

In the summer it stays comfortably in the 80s or 90s, which is good
Right now it's sunny, but it will rain the next two weeks or so I believe.
It was literally 85 degrees several days ago. I was sweating my ass off, cursing at the sun.
Freezing cold outside LOL. Like, not Antarctic temperature or anything just normal really cold winter weather. It doesn't snow much where I live. Maybe that's a good thing because the temperatures outside at wintertime are so cold you have to wear a winter coat. Personally I hate winter. I hate how cold it is. Heck, even inside the house it's really cold so sometimes I have to wear my insulated warm sweatshirt which acts kind of like a sweater. Anyway yeah, it gets cold here, but fortunately I don't live in New York or Chicago or any place like that so it doesn't get extremely cold like it does in those places. As far as what exact temperature it is outside I don't know, it's just really cold.
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