Smash Bros.: Make an Event Topic


King Bowser
Make wacky events in this topic. Most of them, you'll find out, you can play in Vs. Mode!


Villains Beware

Play as Mario, teamed with Link, who are both Mini-Sized, against Bowser and Ganondorf. You and link have 2 lives, they have 1. And you fight at the fountain of dreams.

(For a vs. mode variation, everyone is normal sized)
Super Mario 128

face 128 mini marios!
Attack of the Pink Puff Balls

Fight 70 JigglyPuffs and 60 Kirbys at the same time
Final Finale

You only can use Final Smashes in this round destroying everything as you go along the path. Bosses and items are also in there.
Um... this is for Melee, 777.
MarioBros777 said:
Final Finale

You only can use Final Smashes in this round destroying everything as you go along the path. Bosses and items are also in there.

But it's still a good idea!

(p.s: I'm surprise no one noticed this, Super Mario 128, the thing I said, is in the game. :lol: )
D'OH! Well anyway then it's changed.

Items Smash

You only can use Items in this round destroying everything as you go along the path. Bosses are also in there.
The Famous Three

You against Mario, Link, and Pikachu.
Crazy mixed up alternate universes:

Marth must save Zelda from Giga Bowser.
Waky Wurld

DK saving Samus from Ness
Total Death

You're in a world made out of poison-tipped spikes, huge pitfalls that are impossible to jump over, and you only have 0.0000000000001 secs. to complete it.

Kinda like the Pac 'n Roll Time Trials.
Dry Bones said:
Super Mario 128

face 128 mini marios!

Congratulations, they put your idea in the game!

3dejong said:
Total Death

You're in a world made out of poison-tipped spikes, huge pitfalls that are impossible to jump over, and you only have 0.0000000000001 secs. to complete it.

Kinda like the Pac 'n Roll Time Trials.

Too easy.
Kiddy Match

Play as Ness, against Kirby, the Ice Climbers, and Pichu
A Pokemon Battle!

Play in the Pokemon Stadium stage, with only Pokeballs as items, with you as Pikachu vs. the Pokemon Trainer![/b]

You play as either Pit, Wario, 0SS, Ike, Meta-Knight or Pokémon Trainer and battle Snake.
Only pitfalls, smash balls, assist trophies, cracker launchers, gooey bombs and banana peels are present as items.

:P No, really:
Randomly Random
You play as a random character in a melee match with random items on random frequency in a random stage. The damage ratio is random, and so is the speed.
Reverse Land

You have to save Mario/Link/Pikachu from Princess Peach/Zelda/Jigglypuff and you play as Bowser/Gandorf/Mewtwo

You battle O RLY owls, LOLcats, and other internet fads.

Im in ur Event Topix. Makin stupid events.
3dejong said:

You battle O RLY owls, LOLcats, and other internet fads.

Im in ur Event Topix. Makin stupid events.

"This is madness."
"This is not madness... SSBM!!!!11!11!1"

That's correct, SSBM only.
Captain Falcons Crazy Day

Play as Captain Falcon as you destroy 400 Goombas, 200 redeads, then 100 Octorocks. After this, battle 2 Giga Bowsers. You have 2 hours to do it in. The stage is Mute city.