Spoiler Tags


But srsly, to see a spoiler tag, you need a mouse X_X
Hold down your finger on the box.

Also, you can't use spoilers in PMs. Can that be changed?
If you just give me a link with a spoiler tag, I could test it on my iPod Touch (Mobile Safari) and my Nexus One (Browser, Firefox, and Opera Mini).
I'd like to mention Opera Mini, since I can use the trackball as a mouse.
Villain11 said:
Herr Shyguy said:
Get a real computer.
I have one.
Sharks Territory said:
Hold down your finger on the box.

Also, you can't use spoilers in PMs. Can that be changed?
I tried, it doesn't work.
What gen iPod and browser, cause it works fine for me (not that I post on it often).
Oh well. Now you can read drseaweed's posts without frustration. :)
Allow me to test this.
Yes, it works!

Works on my phone.
Simply tap the spoiler field, that's all.
Hold your finger on the entire box, not just the "hover to show". Press firmly. It should work.
Sharks Territory said:
Mine has no camera, but it works.
My sister has a 4gen and she wags in my face to annoy me so friggin' much! She won't let me use it half the time.
You can download the update via iTunes.

Anyway, if you press the box, you can make the spoiler tags work.
>>Sharks Territory
Unless he/she/it jailbreaked his/her/its iPod, then downloading the update through iTunes is some harder.
>>Sharks Territory
Because Apple hates jailbreaking, by any chance?
I didn't try to update mine after jailbreaking, but I'm sure it would either punish the jailbreak, or your iPod itself.