A comic that doesn't Parody the three Mushketeers


hello this is a comic I drew by hand with a erasble pen.
credit to Quizmo for helping
Quizmo only helped name people
If anybody gets angry at us please redirect it at me because this was mostly my idea.
before you read the comic please look at this disclaimer

Sure, I guess I can draw more than that. I just thought that this wouldn't be liked that much. Anyway the second one is on its way
Needs a little more Kaerf Emag.
Gamefreak75 said:
Needs a little more Kaerf Emag.
Make him turn Nosam into Condoleezza Rice. *shot*

Out of curiosity, if this is continued, will it follow a similar plot to the comic that it's not parodying?

@QM making a page for this: Neat!

is eto supposed to be edofenrir…?
eto is supposed to be...edo.
Mason this will be following the same guide lines vaguely
Oh and 2257, do you want to be a character, we are now recruiting?
you can put me in if you want. you should probably avoid putting edo in any more stomachs, though. he hates womb levels.
definetly...he'll be out in no time. he he he He will be one of the key characters in a boss fight next time.
Pretty funny parody.

Include me (MrConcreteDonkey, the :posh: Cyndaquil) if you want.
Sharks territory:
Oh, ok
By the way didn't you read the liability rights waver.
You wouldn't be saying that if you had read that.
Any resembalence between actual characters or users or people is coincidental. ;D

I didn't mean to put you as a character!
Sorry...I thought you were talking about the title.
That's the page!
Omg double post