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Is Acquired Situational Narcissism a real thing? Because if it is, I'm surprised that some people who have this haven't had their ego flood their empty heads with hot air so long ago.
I want you all to be straight up honest with me-like-I'm an only child. Sometimes I think "'d be fun to have a brother or sister; I wish I did". LOL do I not realize just how good I have it? 🤣

Seriously I've heard having siblings can be annoying. Is it though?
Ludwig "Kooky" Von Koopa
Ludwig "Kooky" Von Koopa
@Panther Pedalf Yeah that's completely accurate. Like, a lot of things are like that.
Waluigi Time
Waluigi Time
You can't really make a generalized statement on it since everyone is different. It depends not only on the personality of your sibling(s) but your own as well. Like many other things in life, it's the luck of the draw.
I think in a way, it works just like developing relationships with anyone else. Like WT said, it's very heavily dependent on your personalities, but I'd also say it helps a lot to have common interests that you share. If those things start to clash, it's easy to build up a disliking for them because of how hard it can be to separate yourself from them. I consider myself lucky that I don't have that problem with my own brother.
I will never understand the Youtube comments of "The best part was when {yada} said 'It's {YADA}in' time and {yada}'d all over the place"
Iron Checkpoint Crate
Iron Checkpoint Crate
George Costanza?
Tell me about it. I will never understand the humor behind that meme, but seeing as comedy is subjective, someone else might perfectly understand the humor behind it.
I notice in the new Jamboree trailer where Waluigi is seen spicing while striking poses reminds of the EXACTLY LIKE IT minigame in Super, being Time To Shine (or whatever it's called)
If you ever plan on joining the Total Drama, don't. I know what they can do, and they can really rip your world apart.
Hey there! I'm trying to add a GIF to my signature, but I'm running into some issues. If you've successfully added a GIF to your signature before, I'd really appreciate any tips or advice you can share. Here's the GIF I'm trying to use
I was copying the wrong link the whole time I was using the web link and not the whole share thing on the site my bad there bro
I dragged mine into the signature box (thank you, Panther Pedalf) and it works as you see now. It's the easier method for me, but whichever is better for you works!
@Fizzle that ain't a option for me because mobile
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Don't read this post if you don't want to see me getting insulted by a former friend.
My former friend told me today that my mom "forgot her abortion papers" when I was born. Quite the kick in the nuts, parents already know and friendship has been terminated. I already couldn't deal with him lately, as he's been all "I'm the best at this and that" and that hurts (especially when I was called the R by him, worst thing to tell a smart{ish} person)
On a better note, I just noticed I have 5 pages worth of status updates. Guess that's what happens when you start posting nearly daily
My head feels as heavy as a Sledge Bro, my body feels as drained as the moat of Peach's Castle in SM64, and my spirit is wishing it was in the Overthere right about now.
There's always that one guy that you never met before that walks up to you at school wanting to do sketchy currency exchanges and they randomly know everything about you

My life is weird sometimes
It will always peeve me that Peach and Daisy have their neck charm from their dress on their Chance Time icon, and the same will be for Jamboree.

They do look like trophy kill
I agree, the neck charms make their Chance Time icons look like mounted head trophies from a hunting trip.
Anime is seeing the smallest, cutest character you've ever found, then looking up their wiki page and seeing 6-A tier powerscaling. For reference, that is continent destroying level. IN A SLICE OF LIFE ROMCOM SHOW WITH OTHER RELATIVELY NORMAL CHARACTERS