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I hate Mario Kart online with a passion. I get hit by everyone with every item, I recieve single mushrooms in last place, and I get rubberbanded on. I never win, because the winners keep winning, and if I even get ahead, everything is out for me and I'm back in last. Fix it, Nintendo. Fix your online Mario Kart
It's not Nintendo's fault they deliberately pair the lowest level players with the highest level players in an attempt to make the game unfair!
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Grand Theft Auto III:

Statler: That Claude fella changed sides more often than I change my underwear.
Waldorf: I always knew something smelled off about you.


Statler: Don't heckle me, you old fool! Heckle the makers of this game!
Waldorf: Is that your nose or did a chili pepper grow out of your face?
Statler: I give up...
A 75 year old lady called out to me today as I was delivering mail, fallen and she couldn't get up. I tried to help her up but I couldn't. Got the neighbor involved, and neither of us could help her up. I then had to call 911, and they sent a firetruck crew to help put her in a wheelchair. She told me that she was sitting out there for at least an hour and a half under the sun with bad knees and a healing hip, the poor soul, but I'm glad she's fine now.
Well guys I'm getting a new phone next year, and I decided I will go with Apple because compared to Google, and how it manipulates search results and spies on people, I think Apple is definitely the lesser of the two evils. Plus Apple's phones have better features anyway.
Some days you just wake up from a nap with Taylor Swift stuck in your head for no reason.
A nap with Taylor Swift?!?! (sorry that's just the way I read your post)
Kerrigan Koopa
Kerrigan Koopa
Considering that I almost got my prepositions backwards, maybe you're not far off.
Excuse me sir but I think you flipped a few too many pages on your calendar today
gosh darn it I knew I had something wrong 😔

well, I guess I'll have to wait a whole other month to change my name to July
I thought September was the ninth month...?
nope, november's the ninth month, it's right in the name! novem means nine in Latin. the only reason everybody thinks it's the eleventh month is because Big Calendar is lying to us in an attempt to sell more months.
Humpty Dumpty and the King: A Prequel
"I should warn you, Your Majesty. I'm very fragile."
"In that case, I'll have all of my men become expert Franken-Surgeons!"
"I'm not sure that will be enough."
"Then I'll give all my horses the same training."
the law can eat my FUCKING ASS.
Lynn Minmay
Lynn Minmay
i gotta wait at LEAST THREE F-CKING MONTHS before i can access the money in my grandpa's bank accounts I AM THE ONLY F-CKING HEIR AND I CURRENTLY HAVE NO INCOME OR MONEY OF MY OWN.

Lynn Minmay
Lynn Minmay
none of these assholes give a shit, i hate lawyers

the guy in shakespeare who said 'first, let's kill all the lawyers' was right
The Owl Trio
The Owl Trio
"Can you imagine a world without lawyers?"

Joke aside, I hope you're able to get the money you need soon, sorry to hear about this, Viola.
Ugh, more fireworks
On the 4th of July our neighbors launch fireworks constantly, causing our dog to bark all the time. Thankfully I'll be at Grandma's so I won't have to deal with it.
July 4th night is hell when you have five dogs, especially with one who barks at it and another who needs to be in the bed with my parents to calm him down.
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July 4th night is hell when you have five hot dogs too, I'm not making that mistake again
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Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Red Dead Redemption 2:

Waldorf: I think this game teaches people a valuable lesson.
Statler: Yeah, that years of trust can be broken within a matter of months when you let an adult version of Dennis the Menace into your group.

I haven't played the fan localization of Investigations 2 so I have no attachment towards it but Sebastian Debeste is clearly a better name than "Eustace Winner". At least the former name doesn't just slap on a common English word as its last name
G Major Steven Stone
G Major Steven Stone
Hmm I guess that improves it by a bit. I still think Capcom needs to have moderation and not oversaturate actual English word names though as that would feel goofy/gimmicky
Ray Trace
Ray Trace
I have people on my route with the last names "Hand", "Hacker", and "Slaughter"
So I've been thinking about it, and I want to write a 'Shroom section about the series and the decline of Mario Party for October's Issue. Should I do it? Would I need to continue writing sections? Would this affect my accounts for the Wiki and Boards in any way?
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Willy's Wonderland:

Statler: Is this supposed to be that Five Nights At Freddy's hoopla the kids have been talking about?
Waldorf: Well, they certainly won't last one night with Nicholas Cage.

One half of me has been wanting to finally get a fursona so I can more easily make friends in the furry community. The other half of me is redeveloping a Shy Guy fixation. For some reason both halves can't win at the same time.