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Man, my mental health has been doodoo for a while now, but I don't want to risk taking a break when I have a lot of duties for The 'Shroom to take care of. Unless I can get someone to fill in my spots on the Fake News and Palette Swap teams, taking a break seems like a pipe dream.
Hooded Pitohui
Hooded Pitohui
Just as a reminder, it's always okay if you need a month off. The paper is a for-fun volunteer project. Nobody wants it coming before anyone's mental health. If you feel like you need to take a break from your sections for a month, just say the word to Waluigi Time and/or Funky. They'll be very accommodating! We want you to take care of yourself first and foremost.
Alright, I'll see what I can do. Who would take over my Awards presentation duties if I do end up taking the month off though?
Hooded Pitohui
Hooded Pitohui
Perhaps it would still be possible to work on your presentation while taking your 'Shroom sections off to lighten your load. It doesn't necessarily have to be all-or-nothing. That said, if you did end up deciding you needed to clear your plate entirely for the month for your mental health, that'd be perfectly okay. That's what there are backup presenters for. You'd just want to let the Awards Directing Staff know so they could work things out.
i wish mario + rabbids was treated with as much respect as the other mario rpgs. ik, ik, the whole ubisoft thing puts a big dent in it but personally i find rabbids to be one of the first signs that nintendo was done with the sterile era of the wii u and sparks of hope has so many super paper mario parelles it's a bit insane.

they really are some of the most creative interpretations of the universe due to the nature of the crossover yet so many people put it down cuz rabbid cooties.
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Undertale:

Statler: Why do you suppose Toby Fox called it Undertale?
Waldorf: Because his fanbase was so mainstream, he had to go underground.

Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

Waldorf: The majority of this show's audience being men goes to show that Hasbro knows how to appeal to the whole family.
Statler: Well, what do you expect? With an artstyle and writing team as strong as this, it's bound to make even the toughest men mare-y.

Sorry to hear that, is everyone/the car ok? Where I live we get a lot of deer-related accidents too so I get that they can be hard to avoid.
Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
My dad hit a deer on his way to work and it seriously damaged the underside of his car and scared the living heck out of him. That must have been frightening. It was already dead though. Man I not only feel sorry for that deer, but my dad could have been seriously injured.
Hey Princess Viola, let me know if you can relate to this. Ok so what happened was I tried to burn some data to a blank DVD disc. It was a lot of data so it slowed my computer to a crawl. So I had to abruptly shut it down, and after all that stupidity, then I had to wait an entire HOUR to use my computer again because it installed a bunch of stupid updates I never asked for.
Today, I'll be posting this earlier than I normally would, so enjoy an early comedic treat. 😉

Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Atlantis: The Lost Empire:

Waldorf: This movie is as if you took a group of Muppets, and instead of giving them low stakes hijinks here at The Muppet Show, you sent them on an epic quest.
Statler: If that's the case, then I should be Rourke and you should be Helga.
Waldorf: Me in the role of Helga? I don't get that.
Statler: Because I'm a bad tempered and greedy old coot while you're a nagging bat playing second banana to me.


(Waldorf smacks Statler in the face)
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Home Alone:

Statler: You know, when I first saw this movie in theaters, I wanted to be Macaulay Culkin.
Waldorf: Why?
Statler: I always wanted to experience my self centered and dumb family leaving me at home for the holidays, having the entire house to myself, and beating a couple of wet bandits with a series of traps straight out of a Wile E. Coyote cartoon.
Waldorf: You know where you can experience all of that?
Statler: Where?
Waldorf: By starring in The Muppet Show.


(Statler silently glares at the screen)