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Wonder if I could hook up my laptop to the TV and play some emulated games on the big 42 inch 4K display lol

Would lose out on the 144 Hz refresh rate of my laptop display while doing so but it's not like these old games ran at higher than 60 fps anyway
I finally have the TTYD remake, and just cleared the first chapter. I believe I have superguarded like 15+ times already. Speaking of Paper Mario, Bringle offended the wiki in his latest video about how to wiki "isn't a very reliable source" I am offended
I really want the DS Castlevania games but that either means paying big buxx for them or continuing to hope they'll be released in a handy collection like the GBA games were.

"what about piracy"

Brain worms just ain't letting me. Nothing against people who do that, if anything I'm jealous of them.
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog:

Statler: Now they've done it. A cartoon that's so cheesy, you could melt it into a fondue.
Waldorf: I don't think I would like to dip my bread in a cheese fondue made of hedgehogs and foxes.
Statler: Me neither. That goes to show how moldy this show's cheese is.

Our kitten "Hobbes" went missing for a few days and came back with multiple broken bones. The surgery would be really expensive and might not even work, so we're going to put him down...
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Rocky:

Waldorf: I honestly find it hard to believe that a movie full of filler went on to spawn five sequels and a spiritual successor that ended up spawning two sequels.
Statler: Guess the boxing film industry was really at rock bottom when this thing came along.

why does veneer need platform shoes much less platform heels bro ur already 7 foot tall

edit to add


You know, I bet the next Yoshi game we get is gonna be a Woolly World remake, and it'll most likely be next console (Switch 2, whatever its called)
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Charmy Bee
Charmy Bee
But it already had one on the 3DS. Does it really need another one?
The way Nintendo is, that'd be pretty likely no matter what, as long as it would sell well. I understand your point though, @Charmy Bee.
Man, my mental health has been doodoo for a while now, but I don't want to risk taking a break when I have a lot of duties for The 'Shroom to take care of. Unless I can get someone to fill in my spots on the Fake News and Palette Swap teams, taking a break seems like a pipe dream.
Alright, I'll see what I can do. Who would take over my Awards presentation duties if I do end up taking the month off though?
Hooded Pitohui
Hooded Pitohui
Perhaps it would still be possible to work on your presentation while taking your 'Shroom sections off to lighten your load. It doesn't necessarily have to be all-or-nothing. That said, if you did end up deciding you needed to clear your plate entirely for the month for your mental health, that'd be perfectly okay. That's what there are backup presenters for. You'd just want to let the Awards Directing Staff know so they could work things out.
Yeah, I suppose I could clear my plate by taking my 'Shroom sections off for the month and solely focus on my Awards presentation. Thanks for pointing me in right direction, Pitohui. I appreciate it.
i wish mario + rabbids was treated with as much respect as the other mario rpgs. ik, ik, the whole ubisoft thing puts a big dent in it but personally i find rabbids to be one of the first signs that nintendo was done with the sterile era of the wii u and sparks of hope has so many super paper mario parelles it's a bit insane.

they really are some of the most creative interpretations of the universe due to the nature of the crossover yet so many people put it down cuz rabbid cooties.
As someone who has 100% both games and their DLC, I can confirm that the Mario + Rabbids games are worth checking out.
There are a lot of things I like about Mario + Rabbids, one of them being a different style of RPG that the Mario series don't really do, that being a tactical RPG. This crossover is also wild enough to make it work, though I personally hope that Rayman will eventually get to join in the fun. Maybe the second game's expansion is a sign of things to come?

But perhaps one thing I have more fondness in Mario + Rabbids is how it puts the less-main Mario characters in the forefront. I think my issue with many Mario RPGs is how much they only consider Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Bowser to only be worthy of importance, when the Mario series has a lot of characters. In the first game, it makes Yoshi a playable character. Yoshi! Yes, not even THE Yoshi gets to be important in Mario RPGs in general. Donkey Kong gets to play a part in the DLC, and then the sequel puts Rosalina in the spotlight. Until either Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi goes out of the comfort zone and makes someone like Daisy an important character, both of them will continue to feel like they are going through the motions.

I wonder how much of it has to do with the Mario + Rabbids leak. The first game was leaked before the Nintendo Switch was released, several months in fact, which might have put a damper on its reception.

Thank you for reading.
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Undertale:

Statler: Why do you suppose Toby Fox called it Undertale?
Waldorf: Because his fanbase was so mainstream, he had to go underground.
