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Many thanks to those who nominated last month's Cooking Guide section in The 'Shroom for Poochy's Picks! I had a lot of fun working on it, and Boo1268 turned out to be an amazingly enthusiastic collaborator on the section, so I enjoyed the team-up between the two of us just as much as the readers did!
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Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
What I hate about politics is how it makes people who have different opinions hostile towards each other. That's why I absolutely refuse to tell everyone on this board what my political or religious/non-religious beliefs are ever, or discuss politics, so if there's for instance a thread about the 2030 election or something I won't be posting on there. No thanks. Politics brings out the worst in people. I'll vote for whoever I want to vote for, but sorry, not saying who to any of you, thank you.
Ray Trace
Ray Trace
What's also bad is that political mail is also a bitch to deliver mail for, plus I hate people who broadcast their political beliefs publically, if it's wearing t-shirts, plastering their car with ugly stickers, or putting out these hideous flags and banners on their front lawn. Nobody gives a shit who you personally support.
Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
@Ray Trace Ain't that the truth! 🤣 (was agreeing with that last point.)
I have loving parents who love me unconditionally, I'm very happy with my life, and I have a really good life-a roof over my head, I'm going to college and going to get my dream job, and I'll be financially stable for the rest of my life. I wish I could give all of this to everyone else in the world who is struggling right now, especially the first two. I wish everyone could have a good and happy life because I know some people out there are absolutely miserable. We live in a broken world filled with unhappy and broken people, and I wish I could give everything that I have to them, too. Especially my happiness.
Y'all, my mom has COVID. Its not major but I've been around her a lot lately and I already have something bc my hearing's been screwing me over lately
I continue to get haunted by my past mistakes, both witnessed and committed. The guilt from the mistakes is destroying me on the inside, and I feel incredibly helpless on an almost daily basis. I wish I could go back in time to erase my mistakes, but I know very well that I can't, so I have to continue to live with the guilt of my mistakes every day for the rest of my life.
@Ray Trace Are mistakes fine to make if they're many of the same mistakes made over the course of ten years and linked to the same toxic behavior?
If you're in a position where the guilt is consuming you like this, you have two options: either you do something about it, or you don't and remain stagnant. None of us can make you do either, but if I were you, I would find a way to do something about it. If you're looking at yourself and your behavior and saying "I wish this were different", the obvious next step is to change. The people you know can offer you pointers, but nobody can tell you how to change. You need to do that by experimenting, getting uncomfortable, and empowering yourself.

Like, if you're looking at this from the framework of "I've made the same mistakes for ten years", then yeah, that does sound like something worth adjusting. But you can't become consumed by guilt; you have to let it bolster you. If you're being haunted, figure out how to get rid of the ghosts. Be better because you want to be better for yourself, and don't wallow in it along the way. That's how you get somewhere and make a change.

Growth isn't linear, but it needs to be intentional.
The Evil Queen
The Evil Queen
Hey Clawgrip, sorry to hear you're feeling like this. I can really relate to what you're going through as I myself have made a ton of big mistakes in life. I used to be crushed by the guilt and spent all the time wishing I could go back in time to do things differently, and it took a long time to get over this.

And sure, yes, if I could go back there are things I would want to do differently. But why waste time dwelling on things that get me down, and which I can never change, when I could instead be looking forward and focusing on making new happy memories, starting today? Ironically enough, I actually have regret over wasting a lot of time dwelling on my regrets rather than living every moment to the fullest so I learned from that.

None of us are perfect. Virtually everyone has at some point done something wrong and later regretted and in that respect we're all in the same tunnel. Sure, some of us may be further down the tunnel than others, but still, we are all in that tunnel. And there are many people who are as far down the tunnel as you are, possibly including me.

You're not the same person you were years ago, and if you learn from your mistakes and do your best to be a good person today and going forward then that's all that matters.

Take these words to heart, Clawgrip: You deserve to forgive and love yourself. You don't deserve to be haunted.
i wish i could be a serious audiophile but my music taste is too insane to ever be taken seriously
I wish I could be a serious audio file but I can't find any mp3s
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I have a ancient mp3 player that was my dads when he was 10
don't you just love it when you get banned from ssbu online for 35 minutes for stopping for 30 seconds at the end of a tournament round to go take the garbage out
The asshole genie that always twist wishes to be for the worst when I wish he has a great life: 😥
that one's easy him having a great life involves tormenting you
The best part of using the Switch browser is my tracks being deleted after I exit it, leaving no trace I was ever anywhere. Good for fending off someone (or some computer company) watching my every digital move.
working on my spice tolerance, shin ramen and buldak spicy carbonara are the spiciest things ive consistently eaten
G Major Steven Stone
G Major Steven Stone
There was some curry I ate in Spain three years ago that was tasty but pretty yikes levels of spicy
I've eaten jalapenos with nearly every school lunch for so long, I have a sort of spice-protection, where I can just take it and not feel uncomfortable. And my dad puts a lotta spices on everything we eat, and because of Louisiana, I'm just an all-around spicy pro. One day, I will take on the Carolina Reaper though
Ray Trace
Ray Trace
i have a history of not taking spicy foods well (in terms of eating) that's why im practicing it

my gut is taking buldak fine but typically doesn't like the shin ramen.

i can't really handle spicy tacos tho, mostly spicy ramen
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Love, Simon:

Waldorf: Simon Says: This film is a fundamental depiction of how progressive the 2010s were.
Statler: Simon Also Says: You know what that makes the 2020s?
Waldorf: Simon Says: What?
Statler: Simon Says: Congressive.

I'm really worried about my cat, she is pooping on the ground and hiding in hard to reach places, same thing happened with a cat that is no longer with us
That's a good idea. If I remember correctly, most cats tend to stop urinating and defecating as often, become less responsive, and eat less then normal when nearing the end of their life. Best of luck to you and your cat.
Thank you very much
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My cat poops on the ground when she is mad or displeased and pukes a lot too.

I hope you can get a new cat if your other passes away