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Is it true that the first comic issue of Fantastic Four established a lot of canon, but none so firmly as Reed Richards' inability to read a room?
I've been working on a drawing of the "Mario family reunion " and I wanna show how it is now. Criticise it if you want, but I don't care. Here it is:


It has the pets and Junior and other relatives that I dunno if you knew them. Tell me if you think it's good. Can you name every character?
Anyone experienced with 3d? Specifically Blender? Been trying to make stuff for stuff but I've been losing steam when it gets to rigging characters. Fr anyone who has the time hmu!
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You definitely don't want to do this manually if you don't have to. Use Blender's default skeletons and create rigs using automatic weights, and tweak by hand from there. I don't know the specific keyboard shortcuts or plugins off the top of my head so I'd recommend doing some Googling to double check.

Ian Hubert has a good introduction to inverse kinematics, a great tool for rigged animation, on YouTube.
I tried Rigify which as far as I know is meant to just be a point and click and its done but idk - I think thats only for single objects models. Could always be wrong and may just need to tinker with it more but idk
I've been suffering from a feeling of inferiority for the last few days. I just keep being reluctant and doubtful of my abilities as a writer and that I'll never be on the same level of writing as the people around me.
Weegie Baby
Weegie Baby
Oh, don't say that. I'm sure someday u will be famous in the area that u write in. Also, don't think you're inferior cuz everyone sucks at something and I bet writing isn't the thing you suck at. I am nice.
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Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day me hearties!
Yar, har, fiddle, dee dee! Bein' a pirate be alright with me! Do what ye want 'cause a pirate be free! Ye be a pirate! - ClawgripFan9001
Ludwig "Kooky" Von Koopa
Ludwig "Kooky" Von Koopa
Ludwig "Kooky" Von Koopa
In all honesty Johnny Depp is kind of a jerk but I only posted this because it has to do with pirates. I don't at all agree with the bad things he's done with, you know, Amber Heard and all that. I just posted this because it's a banger song.
Manga where the two female leads are both thoroughly convinced that the male lead is crushing on the other one and try to set them up with each other

I swear, if I could draw manga I'd be rich already, Japan would eat this up
Jeff Lyne (real)
Jeff Lyne (real)
Oh and it doesn't turn into a harem I don't fw that shit
Are we ever getting Legend of the Seven Stars for NSO or are we just doomed to play an endless amount of mid beat-em-ups and untranslated Japan-exclusives
Throwing this out there, what if I did a Strategy Wing section where I go through the Adventure Mode of Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled?
Hooded Pitohui
Hooded Pitohui
I'd be interested in seeing what you could put together for that. We've had a fair bit of Mario Kart coverage in the past. The format isn't an ongoing campaign or an adventure experience, but you might check out Yoshi876's old Racing Like the Staff to get some ideas on how to translate a racing experience to written form.
Daniel Dyce
Daniel Dyce
Do it do it now write forever it's your destiny
Beat the game as ripper too!
Nitros Oxide
Nitros Oxide
I'd really like to see it myself. Most people either use Crash, Coco, or Neo Cortex for story mode, so it'll be interesting to see who you'll pick.
I do not care if 'the CGI effects look good', they should have been practical ones instead.
Depending on the movie/show, yeah practical effects are always nice to see.
Imagine if Nintendo's whole Switch 2 announcement next year is just that the Switch oled was actually the Switch 2 and there will never be a new console ever again
So apparently my ELA teacher is a pedophile, and I still can't get over it since he didn't act or look like one (?) He is currently under investigation and I have a new ELA teacher. 😅
Hooded Pitohui
Hooded Pitohui
You know, I would caution against posting a news article about an event you publicly identify as happening in your school. In doing so, you're greatly narrowing down your geographic location. I'm not necessarily saying it's wrong or a bad decision per se, and with a large enough population in the area, it may not matter, but I am urging caution. Whether or not you choose to provide identifying information online is up to you, but it's something you should consider carefully before doing it, and it's not something I recommend personally.
Yes! Thank you! I don't know how I didn't realize until now. I will. 😄
My school just blocked any webpage or search containing the word "noise." Huh, now I can't search what the fear of sudden ones are. Wonder why this happened
Iron Checkpoint Crate
Iron Checkpoint Crate
The Noise must have escaped the Pizza Tower
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Lady in Pink
Lady in Pink
Well, in case you want the answer to that question it's phonophobia, sonophobia, or ligyrophobia.
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I only found this out while trying to listen to one of the tracks from that update. It even does it on YouTube, but it can be worked around if its similarly titled to another video like Unexpectancy Part 3