Unpopular opinion time-the Star Wars prequel trilogy wasn't THAT bad; it was the sequel trilogy (Force Awakens, Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker) of Star Wars movies that was REALLY bad. Like-I've literally watched ALL NINE Star Wars movies-including the three sequel movies everyone says were awful-and comparatively, the prequel ones were not nearly as bad as the sequels. The things about the prequel trilogy people say are bad-bad acting, bad writing, too much politics, etc.-that's not even able to hold a candle as to how bad probably EVERYTHING is in the sequel trilogy. I honestly think I am being completely objective here-there's no bias here at all, although I first saw the prequel trilogy when I was a little kid and thus probably mainly enjoyed it and still do as an adult because of that. But yeah. The prequel movies-I don't think they're as bad as people say they are, and they're definitely "masterpieces" compared to the last three movies in the franchise (masterpiece term of course in quotes). Middle three movies (Episode IV V and VI) are definitely the best in the entire franchise. Prequel movies, objectively speaking, are "meh", and sequel movies are absolutely HORRIBLE.
Like if anyone disagrees with my personal assessment as always I respect your opinions but I think my analysis is actually pretty well-thought-out and accurate. Also yeah the sequel films sucked but I'm at least happy I've seen all of the movies in the franchise and at least saw how everything ended. I at least got that out of the sequels, even though all they were were essentially just slightly different repeats of the classic Star Wars trilogy, just set many many years later.
Like I said before, I like Disney, and I will always like Disney. But I don't like their business practices. Is anybody else on this site sick and tired of Disney literally becoming a monopoly and buying everything? And the fact that it seems like Disney mishandles (and ruins, for the fans) just about almost every single franchise and brand they get their hands on? They're so incredibly greedy (haha made a pun but didn't intend to-said "incredibly" when "Mr. Incredible" is actually the name of a Disney character haha), and I'm really tired of it. And as much as I like the stuff Disney makes, for God's sake, I don't want literally everything I like to be Disney. I want variety in my entertainment choices. Too much Disney is so much of a normally good thing that it becomes a bad thing. This isn't really a rant. It's just asking if anyone else on this site is tired of all the things I've just mentioned when it comes to Disney. Like seriously-Disney-please stop. Stop buying everything. It looks like when it comes to handling and controlling these franchises you buy you don't know what you're doing. There's so many examples I can list-Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Ice Age (people seemed to really HATE "Adventures of Buck Wild"), Home Alone (didn't mind "Home Sweet Home Alone" but seems most fans didn't like it).....the list goes on and on. And sometimes even with your own franchises you mishandle them, too. Like, I don't hate Disney. But I really hate the dumb decisions they make sometimes. Nintendo does that too, but I think Disney is a LOT worse when it comes to that sort of thing. There are often times when I think to myself that maybe Disney CEO Bob Iger doesn't know what he's doing. I think I myself could do a better job. Heck, a monkey, even without a single business degree, could do a better job managing the company than him. Yeah I'm being overly sarcastic with that last line-but do I think I could do a better job as company CEO than him? Probably. Anyone could, in my opinion. That's....not a good thing. And it really seems like all these stupid business decisions are ruining the Walt Disney Company's reputation to the point some people just see it as a complete "joke". Disney's not all bad. But they make a lot of dumb mistakes, and when they do, it makes me cringe. And some people (including fans) when they see that don't just cringe like I do, they get angry. I can understand that. Personally I don't let myself get angry though; the only ones it's hurting is Disney, and their reputation, as well as upsetting their fans. That's just plain bad all the way around. Disney like everyone wants to make money, but I think decisions like that are making them LOSE money instead.