New profile posts

Project M.E.M.E. update: Documentation half is going well. I have Mario Party 1's minigame titles, the first four minigame descriptions, and all the minigame types except for Island Tour and Star Rush. Building half is at a standstill due to documentation, but the logo is a little bit started and the main hub now has a power core in the floor in the center that "powers" all the portals. Gonna struggle with dividing Island Tour's minigames in documentation due to the blocking at my school and the general organisation on the Wiki. I was wrong the other day, it was Island Tour that was generalized, whoops. Anyways, more updates soon!
Since Easter and all that is coming up, let's talk about "Peeps". You know, those little marshmallow chick things. I've heard a lot of people in my country of America REALLY hate them. Kids like the overwhelming sweetness but it seems like most adults don't, yet I'm an adult and I like them. LOL, is something wrong with me? 🐣

Like let's have a short discussion about Peeps on my profile, both users on here who like them and hate them can participate. Cause I'm bored.
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a good while…

I remember having a marshmallow peep and I thought it was OK.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus Draconia
sorry but i HAAAAAATE peeps, always have and always will (i am 99% sure it's a texture thing with me tho, not necessarily bc of how sugary they are... i had a sweet tooth for many years and still do tbh but Less So now)
crazy how i've been on these boards since 2009 (IGNORE THE YEARS I WAS BANNED)
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
I can relate somewhat. Not counting the years I've spent away from the Boards due to being banned, I've been here since 2012 in general.
My next profile theme name will be brought to you by my finger slipping and hitting the enter button with my touch pad while in the middle of trying to come up with an idea, and I'm not kidding. Stay tuned folks. (It won't be very interesting).
Man in the
Man in the
Here we are, I am now Man in the. Not even I know where I was going with this.
Status: writing lyrics for more DKCR songs.
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When is the Cranky Kong video coming out?
Probably closer to the full release of the package. Not really sure atm, but it could also be soon. Idrk, college is a lot lol.
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I can also report that I have officially written full lyrics for all eight boss themes!
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Well guys my dad is getting better after his accident. His back and neck hurt a lot less now and I think he'll be making a full recovery. He's already almost completely better. Sadly his Ford Mustang didn't fare so well-it was so wrecked we couldn't afford to repair it, but he's getting a new one. Ford Mustang he had previously got really badly smashed-up. It'll cost more to repair it than the car is worth.
If Mario was a mean guy, he would make fun of Wario for wearing pee colored clothing
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
Wario would take that as a compliment too.
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
@Xiahou Ba Unless you make fun of his weight or his quadruple chin, Wario will take generally anything remotely bad that could be said about him as a compliment.
I tasted coconut milk for the first time today, and to be honest, I'm really not a fan. Out of all the plant milks I've tried so far, this one's my least favourite.
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
I'm with you on that one. I once tried coconut milk myself, straight out of an actual coconut. And given the coconut had already aged plenty at the time I bought it, the same thing went for the milk, so that already gives me red flags for when I would be drinking milk out of a fresh coconut.
Princess Zatanna
Princess Zatanna
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
@Princess Zatanna I guess so, yeah. But I guess it's to be expected, because the coconuts are likely fresh when they first get exported to supermarkets, and once they actually get into supermarkets, they've lost their fresh and green hue and gotten brown and hairy.
Dragon Quest is like the Super Mario of JRPGs, playing through this series has been so illuminating, so many of the common design tropes make sense now.

"Actually SMRPG is!" shhh.

Criminally underdiscussed, I've been vibing with its emphasis on ludonarrative over the more traditional storytelling of something like Final Fantasy, well of the games I've played of both series so far anyway. The first two DQ games are super archaic, haven't aged quite as well as SMB1 or SMB2USA, still better than Lost Levels!
Project M.E.M.E. (Make Every Minigame Ever) is underway! The map's main hub is nearly done, I have the plans for the logo fall, and next is the minigame halls! I use a Sparks Portal Addon which adds 16 new linkable portals to the game, which is just enough for one for each game I'm covering. Couldn't have planned it any better
One thing I found amusing about Everybody 1-2-Switch! is how that game was revealed. It was revealed in June 2023 with hardly much fanfare, and then it was released at the end of that month. This timing is funny because that means Nintendo never need to include this game in their quarterly reports.

Before this game was released, it was reported as a disappointment because reports indicated that playtesters didn't quite have fondness to the game, plus, it's a 1-2-Switch followup. You know, a game that is a pretty infamous game for its dearth of content (even for how fun they are) for its price value. And I suspect that Nintendo would prefer to sweep this game under the rug with how they handled this game.

Still, it's kinda surreal that a Nintendo game got reported very heavily like this, given how secretive they generally are.

Thank you for reading.
Happy Mario Day Everybody even though it isn't a huge holiday I still want to thank the Mario Series for being as awesome as it is even today and for changing my life for the better Happy Mario Day Everyone.
Oof, i forgot to post about it on here yesterday, and now all my limited edition Mario milk has expired in an apparent act of cosmic retribution
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I consider "LeftyGreenMario" now a former name. Please call me "LeftyGemsMagpie" now, but you can still call me "Lefty" or "LGM" for short but starting today, please slowly try to wean off the original words behind "LGM".
How nice that I drop in and I see that people are kind enough to wish me happy birthday. Belated thanks for that.

Anyway, there's even more cool updates in my life besides just that I'm 23 now; last month I got accepted to grad school, and a couple days ago I got notified that my legal name has been changed so even though my mental health is down, good things are happening in my life.

I might also come back and try to be active on more occasions 🤔