Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa

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  • My Dad fitted my computer with the bigger hard drive so now I have over 300 gigs free. Thank God....I was really running out of space before.
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    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    Reminds me of how my computer had started to run out of storage a while back so I ended up deleting about 290 gigabytes worth of video from an abandoned project.
    Within like one month of getting my laptop I used like 95% of the 400+ gigs on game downloads lol
    Hello everyone. I'm back. If you're wondering why you didn't see me at all yesterday, it's because I was having computer problems. My dad had to fix it, and it took him eight hours to get it fixed; it was 11:00 at night by the time he got it working again. Well-"working" being not exactly accurate because it never STOPPED working-what happened was my computer was running normally, except this application or something was making it have a blank white screen so I couldn't click on anything or even see what I was doing, and I couldn't shut whatever it was off; I even opened Task Manager and tried to shut some stuff down, as well as restarting a few times, but it did nothing. That's why he had to do some command prompts and other stuff to get it so I could actually see the screen again, and like I said, it took him eight hours. So yeah-it's back to normal now. So glad too-most of the fun stuff I do to entertain myself is on my computer, so not having it working made for a really boring day. All I could really do was read, watch TV and play PS2, but I got really bored with all three of those after only a short while. So it's nice to be able to use my computer again.
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    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Ok another update my Dad noticed my computer is running very low on storage space so he's going to install something in it to give it a Terabyte of memory. Heck yeah!

    But yeah currently have only 19 GB free on my hard drive. He's going to put the extra memory in this weekend.
    Ok, so it's official-my over two weeks of Christmas vacation are now over. Tomorrow I start a new online English linguistics class. My dad also is going back to work. It was nice to goof off for a little while and I'll miss it but hey, I'm an adult, I have adult responsibilities....right now they are being a student but later on they will be working at my dream job, which probably wouldn't feel like work and I would enjoy even without being paid; luckily the job is with something I love doing and it pays well. I am very blessed; not everyone has that. I never take my blessings for granted. Anyway, really excited about my future. I'm appreciative for that as well because not everyone can say that, either. In a couple of years I'll finally be on my own; I'm going to be living in an apartment in town and sometime after that I'll probably buy my first house.
    I swear to God even though I live nowhere near the northern part of the United States that the winters where I live are still freaking cold.
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    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I'm in New England right now and it's below freezing. I'll take that over the subzeros that happened in Illinois last winter though.
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    Yeah I live in New England and I think the high today was about 10 degrees. That doesn't stop anyone from going outside though
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Where I live in the United States it doesn't get that cold, but I hate any amount of cold; any amount of cold is uncomfortable for me.
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