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  • Sonic Boom is finally on Netflix. If anyone needs me, I shall be bingewatching it 5 times in a row.
    Gay Rights Luigi
    Gay Rights Luigi
    bro you couldve pirated that shit for years now LOLL
    the feminine urge to support a big corporation overtook me, maybe next time
    Wouldn't it be crazy if Mario got a Macy's Day Parade balloon
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    Reactions: Polterpup
    I just assumed it would be either Cape Mario or Wing Mario
    That could work out well. Much better than inflating him.
    Gay Rights Luigi
    Gay Rights Luigi
    i hope it gets popped like sonic lmao

    (i wonder if thats why they havent done a mario one yet, wouldn't want their mascot desecrated on live tv LOLLOL)
    the real world sucks, lemme live in a fictional happy-go-lucky world
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    Reactions: Polterpup
    I definitely agree it would be nice to be able to escape to fictional worlds. Sometimes I'm just so done with the real world because of how cruel it can get at times and I just want to escape to fictional worlds so I can have all sorts of awesome adventures there.

    But Hoodie makes a great point about how we can make the real world whatever we want it to be and improve it so that it is less cruel than it is now. It's certainly no easy task, but it's a task that can definitely be carried out as long as we all try to do our part in making the real world a better place.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    For me, working in the post office is an escape in some way shape or form. You're pretty much cut off from all the dreadful stuff happening on the news because you're too busy walking around and delivering mailpieces to people, helping out your community at large.

    That said, I DID have a guy rant to me about how horrible American politics was and lamented how much guns there were in America. I suspected that there was a terrible mass shooting lately and turns out there was at least two in California. It's a bit odd to vent about politics to your mail carrier but I do sympathize with him.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    I imagine being fictional means being controlled by a writer, I want to do things my way with my will
    It's sorta a shame that Ash and Nemona won't meet in the Pokemon anime. Their willingness to battle would make for such an iconic pair.
    There's something strangely calming about walking into a final exam that you know you're gonna ace.
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    There's something strangely empowering about passing an exam that you thought you would suck at.
    You know, 2023 is just Year of Luigi part 2.
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    Reactions: Renjamin
    Let's hope they add Doctor Luigi as a DLC fighter for Smash Ultimate 2 Deluxe.
    I refer to it as the year of Twoigi, I hope to celebrate all footage of every character but Luigi in the super mario bros movie will be censored
    The Wikipedia page for unrequited love should just redirect to Nintendo's website.
    The Owl House leaks just make me sad. The show's already been cut short, don't kick them while they're down.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Odie
    Gay Rights Luigi
    Gay Rights Luigi
    depends on what's being leaked, is it future episode content or cut content that would have never been seen otherwise?
    they leaked an entire episode two weeks early
    Gay Rights Luigi
    Gay Rights Luigi
    ahh yeah that sucks dick, if you're gonna be a leaker do it for cut content lollol
    day one of my last semester of high school and im already over it
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    "Because all the best jobs require a college diploma!!!!!"

    *sad mailman noises*
    I mean it's true
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I was half-serious with my post. College does open up much more career options yes but the "best"? That honestly differs from person to person and what they are looking for. College is also saddled with its own downsides, the biggest being that you're likely going to into devastating student debt that takes forever to pay off and you're not guaranteed a job even with a degree. Plus honestly? Game development for example (usually requires a degree and an expansive portfolio if you go into an art position) is a career that is much more exploitable than being a mail carrier because mail carriers are at least protected by a union (the NALC) and comes with a huge slew of benefits, despite being a blue-collar manual labor job that requires only a high school diploma. Both game dev and mail carrier have grueling hours either way.
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    Reactions: Odie
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