Pink Cat
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  • Maybe I just have low standards(I mean I do but that's not the point) but usually when I see a game that's being called something akin to "unbelievable visual vomit", it's just a game that looks average looking above anything else
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Other times I agree and sometimes I think they look outright great visually
    The most calm person in argument isn't necessarily always the one in the right, depending on the subject, being calm about it is actually really disturbing, your emotions act as tools to help you, there nothing wrong being agitated about something that personally effects you or those you love
    Reminder, if Disney bought Fox earlier, they would own DreamWorks, thank goodness that never happened
    Yeah, maybe Dreamworks might even cease to exist, like what happened with Blue Sky. It was tragic, but at least their developed film saw the light. (It's Nimona if you don't know what I mean, not to be confused with Nemona)

    Thank you for reading.
    Among my earliest times on any forums, I was on the official Nickelodeon Show Suggestions message boards(Which is hopefully now lost to time), another user suggested a game show .... with the contestants already decided(none of them famous by the way) and knowing what exact episode they're eliminated.
    This isn't a fake one, they wanted it to be real, somehow, as a kid, I never questioned it
    Fun facts about me!!!! I have destroyed 5 cities so far in my life
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    I am not proud of that by the way, that number is too small
    You know what I like about the Mario Fandom over the Sonic Fandom? They don't treat the smallest of difference between renders as different characters
    In my new deconstruction fan fiction, we dare ask the question: What if busting made you feel bad?
    The Incredible Hulk constantly says "Smash", Hulk Hogan is always saying "Brother", I'm onto you Sakurai
    If Banksy such a great artist, why is there so much more fanart of Hatsune Miku and not them?
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