Roy's Recolors (Requests Taken)

Natalie J.

Some idiot that's probably not worth mentioning.
Poll Committee
Now that I have an image editing tool that actually works, I'll be posting my random recolors here.

If you want me to do something, give me a yell here and I'll do it. Be sure to include details and the image for me to color. Any request without details (i.e. do a Yoshi for me) gives me the right to choose what you get.

I'm not very experienced yet, so don't expect the best image in the world.


Unfinished requests:
None yet.
Can I have a yellow Shy Guy with dark green shoes please?

There you go. The hard part of this (and any recolor) was overlap, so don't worry about that.
What did you use to recolor these anyway?
paint.NET. It was mentioned in another thread so I decided to try it out, and it works.
Yeah, but what tools did you use?
paint.NET has a recolor tool, which quite obviously I used that.
Hm, interesting, but I need to suggest you to mask some spots (you use a selection tool and you fix them so they can't be altered) first before you go crazy. You need to recolor everything in one stroke it seems or else the recolor job will look spotty.

Although it seems apparent that you can't mask, so I suggest using the magic wand, lasso, and other selection-based tools and then you use the recolor tool, although it still kind of sucks that you can't mask or save selections to channels...
I forgot what the magic wand does. Is that the selection tool you're talking about?
I usually use magic wand, but I use lasso to fill in where the wand fails (such as selecting Shy Guy's mask when the image has a white background).