Let's play some Card Sharks! (User Card Sharks)

Natalie J.

Some idiot that's probably not worth mentioning.
Poll Committee
This game is so simple, since it only needs two people who can properly say the words "higher," "lower," and "freeze." The premise is simple: Two players each get their own deck of 52 playing cards. Five of them are dealt in a row, and whoever wins the high-low question gets to play their cards and call higher and lower. They are allowed to change their base card once on each turn, but after they change their card they must play it. If they call wrong or if the card is the same, they lose all the cards before the last time they froze. "What does it mean to freeze," you ask? Well, if you decide to freeze, you keep your position and can't lose the cards you call correctly. When you get to the end of your row, you win the game. If you win 2 games, you play the Money Cards, which I'll explain when we get to them.

Now, I only need 2 people, red and blue, and we can get started! If you sign up after the first 2 people, you'll be placed in the queue for future matches.

Signups (Match 1):
1. Magikrazy
2. ?

Queue: (Fututre matches):
Yes. I'll take polls from the actual show to use.

Also, is that a signup? You didn't bold it if it is.
Now you get to go and flaunt your fancy red name tag.