MarioWiki Poll Discussion

Xiahou Ba

If I know my father....he'd be smiling!
Wiki Administrator
Poll Committee
Ray Trace

Hello! This is the thread to go to if you wish to have discussion on the content of our main page poll at the moment. It is a continuation of this thread here. Polls update on a biweekly basis, so stay tuned every Sunday for a new topic to talk about!

If you have any poll suggestions for the main page, I'd advise you don't use this topic for it, but rather submit suggestions through this form here.

Anyway, this is a Sunday (it was posted from PDT, okay?), but no time for a new poll yet so I'll just use last week's poll and pretend it's a new poll!

What would be your preferred way for Nintendo to announce new Mario titles?
  1. I would like to see more Nintendo Directs focused solely on upcoming Mario releases.
  2. I prefer Mario announcements being integrated into typical Nintendo Directs.
  3. I prefer Nintendo waiting for large events, such as E3 or The Game Awards, to announce new Mario titles.
  4. I prefer Mario announcements being made over social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube trailers unrelated to Nintendo Directs.
  5. I have no preference on how Mario titles are announced.

I generally don't really care but I wouldn't mind option 1 or 2.
I don't particularly care how a Mario game gets announced as long as it looks good.
I voted for the last option. If a Mario game I'm interested is announced, I'm just happy that it exists, it doesn't have to be announced in any particularly special way.

Hello! This is the thread to go to if you wish to have discussion on the content of our main page poll at the moment. It is a continuation of this thread here. Polls update on a biweekly basis, so stay tuned every Sunday for a new topic to talk about!

If you have any poll suggestions for the main page, I'd advise you don't use this topic for it, but rather submit suggestions through this form here.

Anyway, this is a Sunday (it was posted from PDT, okay?), but no time for a new poll yet so I'll just use last week's poll and pretend it's a new poll!

What would be your preferred way for Nintendo to announce new Mario titles?
  • I would like to see more Nintendo Directs focused solely on upcoming Mario releases.
  • I prefer Mario announcements being integrated into typical Nintendo Directs.
  • I prefer Nintendo waiting for large events, such as E3 or The Game Awards, to announce new Mario titles.
  • I prefer Mario announcements being made over social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube trailers unrelated to Nintendo Directs.
  • I have no preference on how Mario titles are announced.

I generally don't really care but I wouldn't mind option 1 or 2.
Why was the first poll talk thread locked? Threads can go on for as many pages as they need to. Did it have something to do with not associating with Alex95 since he started the first thread, something else, or both?
It's about having a fresh start for the thread, with a new icon and name for the thread starter.
But it seems like user I mentioned we don't speak of would have something to do with it. (Even if that's your subtle way of saying yes)
Options 1, 2, and 4 would be fine, but not 3 for me as much as I want new Mario games being announced to be at surprise times sometimes.
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Option 5, just announce them whenever they're ready to be announced and I'll watch it

What do you mean you've heard this before, are we pretending this poll is new or not
I voted Option 1 and 2. I usually get very excited for Nintendo Directs and wonder what new games they'll bring to the table. Option 3 usually doesn't happen, and option 4 just isn't my style.
Sunday? Well, what a good time to talk about Nintendo and what you think they should do!

What aspect do you think Nintendo should be focusing on improving the most right now?
  • The gameplay in their games
  • The presentation (graphics, music, etc.) of their games
  • The quality of their game systems.
  • Their online services.
  • The availability and accessibility of their products.
  • The rate at which they come up with new games.
  • Their merchandise and media beyond video games, like manga and films.
  • Their communication and cooperation with content creators.
  • I have no opinion on what aspect Nintendo should be focusing on improving the most right now.

actually, my preferred option is left out here: i want nintendo to improve their conditions on the horrendous conflict mineral mining sourcing. which while 'technically improving, it skirts on better conditions by exploiting a loophole by simply avoiding those countries even if they DO have certified SORs.

nintendo, the sweatshop overlord Apple is besting you at this
Their merchandise and media beyond video games, like manga and films.

this one for sure, I am a big lug for multi media franchises, hell that's what got me back into sonic. Mario has lots of untapped potential that if put into the right hands can flourish into something wonderful. I think the games are also at a all time high as well (minus the loss of alpha dream) so it would make sense for Mario to do more than games at this point. I hope the Mario movie does well, though I don't wanna see like a Mario cinematic universe like what sonic is doing right now. I'm more so interested in a Mario comic or the return of gag 4-komas but that is just me.
LMAO my phone is in the past

Anyway gameplay, nothing else matters if a game is not fun to play at all.
Either option 4 or 5 would work. I don't want to have to pay for online services or have only a certain amount of days/months/years to purchase certain games (ex. Wiiware, Eshop exclusives, Virtual Console, 3D All Stars, any games locked onto NSO, etc.)
Nintendo is still in the stone ages when it comes to online functionality.

20 bucks for an online service that still uses fucking friend codes, abysmal network functionality as seen in smash ultimate with its stripped down features and won't even let me stream my games to my sister so we can locally play together?? (the latter bit is a bit of a stretch to say but steam offers that shit for free which has been a godsend for us who live hundreds of miles away)

but hey, have some nes/snes titles you already bought a million times in past systems already!
but hey, have some nes/snes titles you already bought a million times in past systems already!
And don't even have any Game Boy family games even though you've bought THOSE a million times already! That'll be especially good if your parents plan to block you from buying Game Boy games on your 2DS with your own money when the 3DS family eShop is with 12 months of closing even after you move out of their house, and they'll pull all funding from where you're staying if they find out you bought another 3DS family system or did something else about it with your 2DS and won't let them confiscate your game system or systems.
Probably option 5 considering how abysmal the availability of legacy content is right now (and it's about to get even worse!). If not that, then options 4 or 8, otherwise I'm pretty content with how things are at the moment.

(well time for a new poll for those not well versed in wingdings!)

This week, we're talking about a potential replacement for Charles Martinet, beloved voice actor for Baby Luigi.


In the event that Charles Martinet stopped voicing Mario, how would you prefer for Nintendo to proceed?
  • Nintendo should only reuse archive audio of Martinet for Mario.
  • Nintendo should hire a soundalike and only use their recordings for Mario.
  • Nintendo should continue reusing archive audio of Martinet while also using a soundalike for new clips when necessary.
  • Nintendo should cast a new voice actor whose performance is distinct from Martinet's.
  • I have no opinion.

Personally, I'd get a sound-alike for Baby Luigi, similar to how other older character such as Mickey Mouse are still being used today despite their original voice actors being long gone.
Option 1. I'm sure Nintendo has the money needed to hire a new actor, but I'd rather see Mario keep his old voice so that future games keep their authenticity.
I would go with option 3, gives Nintendo flexibility to make new clips but doesn't get rid of Martinet completely. They pretty much already do this with other characters anyway, and ideally the replacement would be skilled enough to make it a seamless transition.
Option 3, add good new but keep the good old