Vigilante Mafia 2 - Game Thread (Finished)

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Let the shocking news be spread, the rhyme crazy old witch at last is dead.
Spin the wheel and throw your darts, play the game and play your parts! But as for me, you'll all soon see, a new and different strategy!

Waluigi Time was lynched! They were…
Town-aligned Trigger-Happy Vigilante

Player [Unimpressed].jpg
(Did I miss something?)

Player [Upset].jpg
That's two innocents in one day.

Player [Determined].jpg

Come on, friends! Let's head out with guns blazing and take back Indianapolis from the mafia before there's any more unnecessary bloodshed!
Though no-one was willing to publicly admit it, the justice system of Indianapolis appeared to be majorly flawed. The evidence found after Gruntilda's death brought forth no connection to the mafia, which left certain citizens of the town feeling morally betrayed. If the law wasn't absolute, wasn't just, who or what would set things right? Evidently, multiple townsfolk came to the same conclusion… and nothing made that more apparent than what was found the next morning.

Roserade has been shot! They were…
Mafia Godfather

Shoey has been shot! They were…
Town-aligned Trigger Happy Vigilante

Flygon64 has been shot! They were…
Town-aligned Trigger Happy Vigilante

Reverse Input has been shot! They were…
Mafia Vanilla

Shy Guy on Wheels has been shot! They were…
Town-aligned Trigger Happy Vigilante

fantanoice has been shot! They were…
Town-aligned Trigger Happy Vigilante

GBAToad has been shot! They were…
Town-aligned Trigger Happy Vigilante

ClawgripFan9001 has been shot! They were…
Town-aligned Trigger Happy Vigilante

Toadettefan has been shot! They were…
Town-aligned Trigger Happy Vigilante

Turboo has been shot! They were…
Town-aligned Trigger Happy Vigilante

For some further rule clarification, mafia kills and vigilante kills are considered to have happened at the same time, so a person who was killed by mafia will still use their vig kill during the same phase. In an instance where the mafia faction kill would result in an even amount of town and mafia players, the mafia kill will take place first, resulting in a mafia win.
All reported kills will have the same "has been shot" flavour text, no distinction is made between vigilante kills, mafia kills or inactive self kills.

It is now Day 2!
You have until to lynch some mafiosos!
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A bit quiet lately. It's been a while since I've had a good brawl.

What is everyone's opinion on Mudcrabs?
Personally, I believe they are horrible creatures.

(How am I still alive? I didn't plan for this.)
On today's episode of Unshot Columbo...


Columbo is still unshot.


Well, waddya know. I'm still alive. Just like I always say, justice prevails.

Me? I don't make it my business to carry around guns. Never needed one, never will.


Perhaps it was foolish of me to vote for Mr. Rome yesterday, but you know- you gotta understand, there was no leads to work with. We needed information. And that Mr. Rome sure was a scary guy. Talking about hell and heaven and all of those things.

I never took that vote off 'cause he wasn't gonna get lynched and all no matter what I did.


But now, y'see- let's all have a good day 2, eh? Who's ready?
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You see, I- waspwasp wasp WASP WASP

Vote: Wasp
Roserade has been shot! They were…
Mafia Godfather

Reverse Input has been shot! They were…
Mafia Vanilla

Player [Smirk].jpg
We did it team! We got the Mafia Godfather and one of his goons!

.... Team?

Almost everyone else has been shot! They were…
Town-aligned Trigger-Happy Vigilantes

Player [Sad].jpg

Player [Upset].jpg

There's not much to go off of here. If only one of those terrible Mudcrabs could tell us what happened last night...
You see, I- waspwasp wasp WASP WASP

Vote: Wasp

Player [Shocked].jpg
Huh? What does —

Wait a second. Wasp.... Hornet... Hollow Knight!
##Vote: Zote (TPG)

Player [Determined].jpg

Sorry Zote, but we're running out of options here. Plead your case if you have one.


By order of the Imperial census office, I have been tasked to assess who is still alive and possibly guilty of crimes.
I will make a list for easy reference

Perch - Hasn't spoken, guilty of loitering
Private Investigator ("Colunbo") - Somewhat active, guilty of casting destruction magic in public areas
Ghostly apparition ("Boo") - Product of necromancy, under supervision
Mudcrab ("Zote") - Guilty of being a mudcrab, filthy creature, otherwise clean record
MCD - Has voted, otherwise quiet, guilty of ballot stuffing.
Guard - Very good at his job. Exempt from the law as he enforces it. Promotion recommended.
Goblin ("Mii") - Has been active, however, is a goblin. Not allowed on the surface. Guilty of trespassing.
Cosmic - Has spoken maybe once. Guilty of idk something

man dont vote me i killed that sneaky cretin roserade with my bare hands. i figured them popping in just to vote once, ignore the bandwagon and coast was a bad sign. my life is all i have left i dont want to lose it

throwing in a vote for mcd to poke him as he has exhibited some of the same behaviour. lets at least see a vote from this guy

so says zote

Zote... My special Grandson... I am so proud of the young man you have become. You've done a fantastic job rooting out the Mafia so far.

I am sorry that I have not spoken more, my boy. I did manage to sneak out of bed last night to kill the dangerous Mafia member "Shy Guy on Wheels".

I will vote for Cocoa for the time being.
The game is very tricky all I wanted was to have FUN! now multiple people have been murdered! I don't think anyone besides Super Chao Tpg and Lin Beifong have been sus but I have a high feeling that it might be that zote fella so I guess I'll vote TPG he seems the most guilty

The guest has finished his dinner.

He would like to say that he had targeted Rose last night, but alas, the guest cannot speak. The game will not allow him. And his mother doesn't want him to create an account.

Life is tough, being a guest.


Okay, here is the procedure. We take you to the castle.
First, we search you, confiscate any stolen goods. Then you pay your fine,
and we'll have a look at your personal records. Here is what they say:

The Mafia leader put a hit out on you on day one. Of course it never had any chance of going through.
The Imperial Battle Mages say this was a deliberate obfuscation tactic, to make one of you
seem innocent if the other ever got compromised. Either that, or it was a huge coincidence.

But believing in luck is above my pay grade. That stat is too annoying to level up.

So now this will happen: I will put you away. You will be revealed as Mafia. Or not.
In either case we win, except in the case that is not the first of these options, in which case
I will look like a fool and people will shoot me dead.

But you cannot kill the law. The law is above petty concepts such as truth and morals.
The law is only satisfied when all criminal activity is wiped out, no matter the cost.
I am a Guard. I love my job.

Remember the Emperor! HYYYARGHHBL!!!

Vote: Boo

View attachment 49683


Okay, here is the procedure. We take you to the castle.
First, we search you, confiscate any stolen goods. Then you pay your fine,
and we'll have a look at your personal records. Here is what they say:

The Mafia leader put a hit out on you on day one. Of course it never had any chance of going through.
The Imperial Battle Mages say this was a deliberate obfuscation tactic, to make one of you
seem innocent if the other ever got compromised. Either that, or it was a huge coincidence.

But believing in luck is above my pay grade. That stat is too annoying to level up.

So now this will happen: I will put you away. You will be revealed as Mafia. Or not.
In either case we win, except in the case that is not the first of these options, in which case
I will look like a fool and people will shoot me dead.

But you cannot kill the law. The law is above petty concepts such as truth and morals.
The law is only satisfied when all criminal activity is wiped out, no matter the cost.
I am a Guard. I love my job.

Remember the Emperor! HYYYARGHHBL!!!

Vote: Boo


Fascinating deduction, Mr, uh... what can I call you, I'm none too sure?

Eh, whatever. I may as well place my vote on Boo for now, seeing as we don't have a lot of time on our hands and all. I'm not full convinced yet and I don't want to bandwagon or anythin', but I don't want my vote going to waste either. So I'll put it there for the time being.


Still, somethin' isn't adding up here.

And don't mind the whole wasp thing. I just got a little spooked, is all.
The Mafia leader put a hit out on you on day one. Of course it never had any chance of going through.
The Imperial Battle Mages say this was a deliberate obfuscation tactic, to make one of you
seem innocent if the other ever got compromised. Either that, or it was a huge coincidence.

Player [Shocked].jpg
That's an angle I never considered!

Player [Upset].jpg

I hate this, but with the lack of anything else to go off of, this is our only lead. ##Unvote: Zote (TPG)
##Vote: Boo1268

If The Guard is wrong, I promise I will avenge you my fancy phantom friend!

And don't mind the whole wasp thing. I just got a little spooked, is all.

Player [Unimpressed].jpg

(I really thought you had something going there...)
View attachment 49683


Okay, here is the procedure. We take you to the castle.
First, we search you, confiscate any stolen goods. Then you pay your fine,
and we'll have a look at your personal records. Here is what they say:

The Mafia leader put a hit out on you on day one. Of course it never had any chance of going through.
The Imperial Battle Mages say this was a deliberate obfuscation tactic, to make one of you
seem innocent if the other ever got compromised. Either that, or it was a huge coincidence.

But believing in luck is above my pay grade. That stat is too annoying to level up.

So now this will happen: I will put you away. You will be revealed as Mafia. Or not.
In either case we win, except in the case that is not the first of these options, in which case
I will look like a fool and people will shoot me dead.

But you cannot kill the law. The law is above petty concepts such as truth and morals.
The law is only satisfied when all criminal activity is wiped out, no matter the cost.
I am a Guard. I love my job.

Remember the Emperor! HYYYARGHHBL!!!

Vote: Boo

My good sir I don't mean to be thought insensitive but I think the claims that you are presenting here have very little proven evidence might it have been more likely that since I have never participated in one of these games before that the mafia leader saw me as easy pickings? Due to my lack of experience with this game also you suddenly acuse me only after I put you up as a suspect why so sudden with the accusations my good man? I did not vote for you yet you voted for me only for the fact that I pointed you out as being somewhat suspicious
Now can I say for certain that you are guilty? No and can I say that my theory about the mafia leader is also correct also no but then again it's all a matter of perspective heck it might even be the case that the mafia leader (due to them being patrick) was just doing it for the funnys you know pick on the new guy as a joke all I can say is that even though we don't have much time left we should not jump to conclusions just yet for as Mr Clombo Says "something isn't adding up here"
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