Recent content by YuruNex

  1. YuruNex

    The official name change announcement thread

    Changed my username from NEXandGBX to YuruNex, not for a fad or anything but as a new default name. Might come off as a bit disorienting to anyone who's known me for a long time, but I decided to change it a few months ago. The old name was referencing OC lore from 2012 that was outdated by the...
  2. YuruNex

    Kirby Fighters 2

    Not necessarily directly related to KF2, but they left some code in the game that seems to be meant for the next mainline game.
  3. YuruNex

    What's on your wishlist?

    Not really sorted, but: A New Nintendo 2DS XL, my current 3DS XL works but isn't in the best shape anymore since I've had it for so long. A PS4, or maybe PS5, if I can find enough games I really want to play on it. A lot of games, too many for me to list. Some new phone with better storage...
  4. YuruNex

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    playtime's over, james mccloud leon
  5. YuruNex

    Mario Boards users I come to you with a dire situation

    i know it's supposed to be a spooky story and not a real problem but i think this part is normal if you don't have anything in reserve during the bowser fight anyway, although it does show up if you do (be it something you brought in or a mushroom peach gives you during the fight)
  6. YuruNex

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    phoenix kind of looks like what dr. captain falcon would look like...if you're drunk, anyway. also with all the phoenix wright debates here as of recently it'd be a crime to not get the guy named phoenix in on this. dai san gen would be perfect for this if they were red/blue/yellow instead of...
  7. YuruNex

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    i dont actually have anything to add i just think qqq looks neat
  8. YuruNex

    Looking back on the 3DS (Favourite games, features, etc.)

    The 3DS is responsible for a whole lot of memories of mine over the past decade. I got it around launch and my first game for it was Rabbids Travel in Time 3D, which I don't remember being the most interesting game but it, the pre-installed features like AR Games, Face Raiders, and Mii Maker...
  9. YuruNex

    What result did you get on your PMD Test?

    I got Cyndaquil (Timid), which fits pretty well. I think I also got it back I played Red Rescue Team years ago, so pretty neat that it's come full circle.
  10. YuruNex

    Marioboards Secret Santa VII:

    Got a boatload of Christmas Kirbs from Alex95. Thanks, dude!
  11. YuruNex

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    well, i'm convinced #31: Don Genie
  12. YuruNex

    Marioboards Secret Santa VII:

    poyo i'm fine with whatever, be it art or a game (here's my steam) or whatever else that isn't named gimp if you need to ask me something more specific be sure to ask me about it (via turb of course, otherwise it wouldn't be a secret santa)
  13. YuruNex

    It's actually stating that it's been 10,000 days since Kirby's Dream Land came out in Japan...

    It's actually stating that it's been 10,000 days since Kirby's Dream Land came out in Japan. Still, that's quite a long time!
  14. YuruNex

    Count until someone mentions the name “Nico”

    wouldn't this technically end every time you reach 25 because in japan those are pronounced ni and co like nico