Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

As much as I love Q-Three, I don't want to support a traitor.

I'm going to keep the tradition alive of not voting with Smasher and Unvote, Vote: Leon

Wow, Roserade... I say, wow. I am shocked, shocked to find that you are such a fair-weather ally who would betray your new loose friend so easily. I suppose you're quite the traitor yourself, aren't you?

Don't worry, though. I assure you, QQQ will prevail.
Pitohui continues to attempt to stoke the embers of a war that isn't even real. Smasher and I have been nemeses for years now, and my vote for Zoda was only as a temporary voting block. I will return to her vote next month, but for now I only prefer to see this voting process become more interesting.

As your choice of last month has taught me, there is nothing greater than a grand performance, yes? So let us see this month's conclusion
Smasher and I have been nemeses for years now
smh, you couldn't prove the fact that Smasher was your nemesis

and my vote for Zoda was only as a temporary voting block
Not once did you imply this. If you said that beforehand then this would be fine, but instead you dared to trick Smasher into thinking you was on her side, only to betray her, and then claim that it's okay because it was you're plan the whole time. Just because you had the idea the whole time, doesn't suddenly make it the right move.

I can't believe this Rose, I can't believe you turned to the Dark Side. For more then a month now you've been in this state, and it's rather upsetting to see you act like this. You can redeem yourself however, vote QQQ, it may not fix you're mistakes, but we'd be more willing to listen to you knowing you've learnt from your past mistakes.

My word, I do not care to be dragged into a position where I must be proactive, but if you're going to continue to attack my character, I frankly have no choice but to intervene.

First thing's first:


If you said that beforehand then this would be fine, but instead you dared to trick Smasher into thinking you was on her side, only to betray her, and then claim that it's okay because it was you're plan the whole time. Just because you had the idea the whole time, doesn't suddenly make it the right move.
You claim that this is not permissable for me to do, and my question is... Why? People swap their votes at all times during this thread. Auburn abandoned Luigi 64DD's vote for Digi-Boy, and yet nobody dares to raise pitchforks at him. Pitohui has already been shown to go directly back on his word, and yet his pretty words and promises of grandeur completely dissuade you from this. How am I the villain to have acted in such a way as everyone else has?
Additionally, it is simply plain to see that Zoda is not winning this month. My vote remaining there changes nothing, and I fail to see why I cannot then choose to make a greater impact. This is exactly what Zange has done, for your cause, no less.

Heed these words well. You continue to squabble and start wars with me, yet your arguments are weak and shallow, and it would do you well to be more concerned with your own path than my own. If we must war, then we will, but now is not the time for me to be a part of this.
zoda wasn't winning this month nobody cares


vote: qqq

frankly he's one of the racers i care about the least, i honestly just want him out of the way at this point
well, i dont want to look like a bandwagonner, but since its clear my pick this month isn't gonna get picked anyway, i might as well add some fuel to the fire
retracting my vote for the bird-themed superhero who last month was mistaken for captain falcon, even though on closer inspection they actually look almost nothing alike
placing a new vote for leon
literally don't know anything about him except that all the people voting for him have been very nice and chill and wholesome and don't need to resort to enormous text walls and arguments to support their cause (apart from rose but that was self defence as a result of being provoked by qqq cult so im willing to give it a pass just this once) so im more than happy to vote for a wholesome and peaceful cause like this
Wait no please Nitwit don't do this to me

You don't understand. I've sold my soul to Princia Ramode to make this happen.

If you don't like long posts and arguments, I can offer, uhhhh, uhhhhh, their antithetical counterparts

Dumb memes



Please, don't abandon me

Zange and Princia Ramode have my family, they have my Nintendo Switch (TM)

They're coming for The 'Shroom next

All I see and all I hear... it's Princia...

I don't know if anyone has actually made this mistake, but, in hopes of avoiding Poe's Law, I do want to clarify for anyone who may have misunderstood that every post of mine since that first argument for Spade has been tongue-in-cheek with a hint of hyperbole. Trust me, Rose and I are on quite good terms! He couldn't have thrashed me in Panel de Pon for an hour last night if we were not!
This isn't to tell you all to vote for anyone.

My friend Eleven (you may remember him from Awards KG 3) made art of me rigging the vote doing MSM voting and campaigning and I thought everyone should see it and he gave me permission to share it.


Tell him good work if you happen to see him around!
I'm getting flashbacks to Beastman vs. Gazelle. But as it turns out, treachery takes the day in the end! (And also me getting preliminary totals wrong by one vote. That helped too.)

#39: QQQ - 15 votes
#19: Leon - 14 votes
#13: Zoda - 3 votes
#40: Phoenix - 3 votes
#36: Princia Ramode - 2 votes
#37: Lily Flyer - 2 votes
#17: Antonio Guster - 2 votes
#21: Mrs. Arrow - 1 vote
#23: Silver Neelsen - 1 vote
#32: Digi-Boy - 1 vote
#33: Dai San Gen - 1 vote
#00: Rick Wheeler - 1 vote
#33: Lisa Brilliant - 1 vote

QQQ has it! The AX streak continues. I'll see you in June with the article and the next voting round!
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We didn't get the sudden death tiebreaker...

Ah, ah, but the beauty of MSM is that, no matter what the voting outcome, there is always an interesting article to read!

...I hope all of you who vote do indeed read the article and the rest of Strategy Wing, too.

With that, though, while I will honor my obligations to support Princia next month, I do believe it is high time for someone else to take over the reigns. Zange, SMB, SGoW, Nitwit, Koops... there is a plethora of souls with the ability to build coalitions grand and majestic and to passionately make their case. I shall limit myself to one effortful post in support of Princia, and allow the others to make their own decisions.

As for my future... there may yet be a different battlefield I am called to...
The new issue's out, and so is QQQ!

Now, there's a lot to vote on and participate this month - Shroomfest especially deserves a bunch of support and strength for its first month in action! And of course, we can't forget the very important awards polls! So if you want to go low-key and just drop in a name this month to save your energy for those, I'd say that's the right way to go. MSM can have a slow month or two!

Either way, voting for Dr. Issue 160's writeup closes July 4th.
This is the repeated vote post. Like this vote to repeat your post from last month.

Record of External Votes:

#00: Rick Wheeler - 1
#13: Zoda - 1
#17: Antonio Guster - 2
#19: Leon - 1
#20: Super Arrow - 1
#23: Silver Neelsen - 1
#33: Dai San Gen - 1
#36: Princia - 1
#40: Phoenix - 1
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