Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

This is the repeated vote post. Like this post to repeat your vote from last month.

Record of External Votes:

#00: Rick Wheeler - 1
#23: Silver Neelsen - 1
#32: Miss Killer - 1
#36: Princia Ramode - 1
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Ya know what, I have a gut feeling that tells me I should just vote Princia.

if zoda wins, i will get control of smasher's vote for the next three months
You're not allowed to complain as you originally voted Princia.

I however, am allowed to complain, as I voted for Dai San Gen. So Pitohui is a traitor, and I have an opinion on that matter.
Man, it really does change when I'm doing light shilling vs. heavy shilling, huh? Well, let's see how it panned out!

#36: Princia Ramode - 9
#13: Zoda - 5
#19: Leon - 5
#33: Dai San Gen - 2
#23: Silver Neelsen - 2
#37: Lily Flyer - 1
#33: Lisa Brilliant - 1
#00: Rick Wheeler - 1
#32: Miss Killer - 1

At last... Zange is free...

Also, five straight months of AX! What a ride. Will September make it six, or will the streak finally snap with only four AX racers left to go? Let's find out! Next month. For now, sit tight to read about Princia!