Koopa con Carne

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  • am i supposed to like or dislike Mr. Frog??
    Seasons 4-18 are great, the rest you can skip
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    I'm Mr. Frog, this is my show, I eat the bug. nom nom nom. I ate the bug. This the end. I love you. *credits roll*
    One of the best jokes in Evil Con Carne is that General Skarr specifically dislikes Camden, New Jersey. Why, we never find out, but that's what makes the joke so funny in trying to figure just why that exact location.
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    well, you see, everyone hates Camden, New Jersey. i do too and i had never heard of it until you mentioned it.

    nothing against its people, they're probably cool folk.
    *movie made before 2010 has the word "gay" somewhere in it*

    conservatives: "this movie predicted today's woke internet. we truly live in a society"
    • Wow
    Reactions: Chowder
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    I Love Lucy used the word "gay" once and that was in like, the early 50s. Wonder what they would have to say about that.
    it was actually a pretty common word back then, obviously with a very different definition
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    Oh, I know that. But these are the same people who think anything with the prefix "trans" has to do with being transgender so I'm curious to see what kind of idiotic take they would have.
    hi guys my name is timothy mctimmy im 11 i like FNF, pizza tower and pomni, do u think we can turn mario wiki into sonic wiki for april fools it would of be funny i think xDDDDDD
    things i learned from reddit in the past week i was bored enough to go there

    1. people who spell out dates as "[day] [month]" as opposed to "[month] [day]" engage in "cavemen speak". 'murica, yeeeaaa baby
    2. "bootlicker" is a slur. people who invest undue feelings in uncaring authorities are truly the most oppressed minority :(
    3. if you want to pirate a game, it's only ok with indie games. pirating AAA products is no no.

    all said in earnest and with upvotes
    • Sad
    Reactions: MegaBowser64
    Man in the
    Man in the
    A lot of conversations on Reddit incentivize people to view conversations as a mean of earning points for their "team".

    If I feel the need to ask someone about an issue I prefer to do so in private where nobody feels the need to posture and I can at least try to figure out what the other person means even if we still disagree by the end.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    I've never been a huge fan of Reddit due to its toxic userbase and the infinite amount of false information and stories that get spread around that website. I'm surprised the website is still operative in spite of all the controversies it's become known for.
    Wynn Liaw
    Wynn Liaw
    Welcome to Reddit! We have modern Americans and prehistoric non-Americans!
    We'll be talking about the BARREL IN THE DARKNESS.

    We'll be talking about the PIRATE GOOMBA!


    and we'll agresivelly be spending a lot of time talkin' about... CONVEX STAVES.
    i've seen people say that Dutch is among the easiest languages to learn if you're native/fluent in English.

    maybe in a distant top 15 or something. been practising it for a while now and it's a nightmare. nevermind that the entire vocabulary is made up of like 10 unique words spliced together in new and (un)exciting ways to vaguely emulate the meaning of other more internationally recognized words (think how english uses "pineapple" to refer to what the rest of the world knows as "ananas"), but how the fuck am i supposed to process and utter a sentence with a structure like this without taking 5 minutes:

    "the scale of Kardashev is a by the Russian astronomer Nikolai Kardashev proposed system"

    (original: De Schaal van Kardasjev is een door de Russische astronoom Nikolaj Kardasjev voorgestelde indeling)

    it's assbackwards and it's far from being even the worst example i can think of
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Ik zou het je niet kunnen vertellen, helaas. Buiten het spreken van de taal ben ik namelijk geen expert in Nederlands. Ik ben het wel met je eens dat het me vreemd lijkt om "een" van "voorgestelde indeling" te scheiden.

    (English translation in case you need it: Unfortunately, I can't tell you. Aside from speaking the language, I'm not an expert at Dutch. I do agree it seems strange to me to separate "een" from "voorgestelde indeling".)
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    @Koopa con Carne Does Dutch in any way resemble German? German is one of the hardest languages to learn, so maybe that's why.
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    Can't give you an in-depth answer to that, sorry. I can only go by my superficial knowledge of Rammstein and Die Arzte lyrics and say that I found their grammar and word formation indeed super close to what I've encountered in Dutch. From the little contact I've had with Danish as well, something tells me most Germanic languages share such grammatical tropes; if you get used to Dutch, for example, you may find German, or Danish, or Swedish a little easier to grasp.

    English grammar is fundamentally a Germanic language and the general sentiment seems to be that its grammar has little DNA from Romance languages. However, I don't yet know what kind of metric that notion is built upon, because English has a consistent "Subject + Predicate + Object" pattern like in Italian or French, whereas something like Dutch or German get really quirky and, no offense meant, quite needlessly mix them up in subordinate clauses. Hence my frustration.
    2024 is finally upon us! everybody on your marks for the newest instalment in the Mario & Sonic games, the "Mario & Sonic at the Paris, France 26 July - 11 August 2024 Olympic Games feat. beloved French-Belgian character Achille Talon" game, available spring 2024 on the Nintendo Switch family of systems!
    just a few moments ago i got a pro-israel ad on youtube saying something along the lines of "as you are chanting 'free, free, palestine' and are being fed lies, israeli women are being murdered and raped by the very people you are fighting for", and then the ad proceeds to show images of literal palestinian CHILDREN.

    i could not believe how tone deaf and outrageous that piece of shit i just saw is.
    honestly a lot of youtube ads are tone deaf and outrageous
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    This is why I used to use an AdBlocker before switching to YouTube Premium following YouTube's AdBlocker crackdown; To avoid seeing brainrot ads like that.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Yes but do you know that adblockers are the real crisis that YouTube is valiantly cracking down on?

    Use ublock origin.
    "AI simply takes inspiration from human-made work, it doesn't steal anything"

    Then explain why you can very faintly hear the P-Switch theme from New Super Mario Bros at 00:35 in this AI-generated video.

    AI has potential, it just needs to be more controlled
    Wow, that is an exact P-Switch
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    @MegaBowser64 I don't know if I'm the right person to pinpoint its outset exactly, but AI has long been an integral part of IT. Of course it "has potential" and I don't need to argue why. The problem is that it is now at the unprecedented stage of being used and promoted to steal massive amount of data, mostly in the name of cash, and conglomerates such as Disney have already jumped at the opportunity with seemingly little consequence.

    The trailer I posted is probably made by some dude in his basement, but it's starkly illustrative of the reality of the matter, especially with the little jingle cribbed 1:1 from a copyrighted work.
    A very special shout out goes to bosses who tell you how hard-working and talented you are and list the sheer contributions you have brought to the team and company before they fire you from the job for something completely byzantine that was mostly out of your control (and is framed as obviously being your fault). The way they try to soften your inevitable crash is absolutely admirable.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    In my work place, the reward for getting your route done early is piling MORE work on you aka doing like an hour and a half on another vacant route or handoff, sending out to help slower carriers, or chucking you an unaccounted express mail right before you are gonna clock out.

    For my workplace that shit ain't gonna happen unless you are in your 90 days because I'm protected by a union.
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    My first few days were unpaid (later learning that was illegal on the part of my assistant manager), with the second one being on short notice, and I did it all with a smile on my face.

    I did exactly what they said. I fumbled a lot, yes, but always took it in stride and aspired to learn from my mistakes.

    I gave my all. And it wasn't enough.

    Unfortunately I'm not sure if anyone takes unions seriously over here.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    If they are letting you go while you made simple mistakes on the job as they are new then they aren't worth working for anyway.

    Sincerely someone who destroyed a basketball hoop and broke my LLV windows and mirrors.
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