Koopa con Carne

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  • Wayback Machine no longer displays snapshots from Facebook on either of my devices, even if they previously worked just fine. By that I mean, they are technically shown as being archived, but won't load any elements whatsoever. Anybody else with this issue?

    Example: this post

    Edit: When the Wayback Machine snapshot is viewed in the element inspector, it seems the content in the "div id='mount_0_0_'" tag, which is pretty much the post itself with images and user comments, has been removed completely.
    You see that door?

    You wanna know what's behind that door?

    You don't wanna know what's behind that door.
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    *forlorn sitar playing in the background*

    I've never been to the US but I'm willing to bet that episode's portrayal of NYC was one of the most accurate ones on tv.
    In Romanian, when you wish someone to have fun, you tell them "pleasant fun!" ("distracție plăcută!")

    I've used this phrase all my life and never once thought, until a couple minutes ago, how redundant it sounds. How can fun be anything but pleasant? :koopa:
    I want everyone here to admire this Morshu in the style of Zelda TOTK.


    source: Reddit (art by user lr31o)
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    "Lamp oil, rope, bombs. You want it? It's yours, my friend. As long as you have enough Rupees."

    "Sorry, Link. I can't give credit. Come back when you're a little, MMMM...richer!"
    Cooking pots, rockets, wings. You want devices? They're yours, my friend. As long as you have enough charges.
    one of the first videos i've ever watched on youtube. what a masterpiece. nostalgia kicks in like a mule with rabies

    not to brag, but at today's MarioWiki AMA, i got a vague impression that my overwrought barrel description may have been elevated to the echelons of Pirate Goomba and "barrel in the darkness"

    (...should i feel proud or embarrassed?)
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    Reactions: Glowsquid
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    In the Mario universe, barrels do not differentiate from those in the real world. A barrel is made of several vertical convex staves (fourteen in the latest appearances) bound to form a pseudo-cylindrical vase, which is the barrel itself. Four gray steel hoops (only three in the New Super Mario Bros. games, and two in Wario Land 3) circle the staves: two of them are each placed at one of the barrel's base, while the other are donned on the barrel's bigger circumferences.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    and you can carry them in the darkness as a bonus
    budget drake meme

    (Drake gestures disgust with his hand) Correcting someone's statement in a plain and uninflammatory manner.

    (Drake points his finger with a smile on his face) "*sniffff* *adjusts glasses* umm, uhhh, you REALISE that x is actually y, RIGHT?"
    twitter and reddit users have such a binary outlook on everything, and they never ever consider their options may have ample overlap or that neither may be ideal. it's like they have to choose between 2 working brain cells when they emit an opinion.
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    Reactions: Princess Zatanna
    I've also noticed that okayness is dead. Everything has to either be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever. There's no such thing as being mid on the internet anymore.
    Am a Reddit user and can confirm the userbase annoys the hell out of me with their black and white thinking. It's abhorrently bad in fanbases, which is why I like to stick with the Mario community and specifically here, ha.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    Several reasons for that but mostly outrage is what the algorithm likes and favors and people are more likely to respond to extreme opinions so it causes a satisfying feedback loop.
    The Nintendo Kids Club site recently shut down, and welp... much of its content is now lost media.

    Fortunately, the Mario Wiki has preserved practically all Mario-related content from that site, including screenshots and sprites of the little HTML-based games featured on it! For what it's worth, pictures formerly used on that site also appear to still be on nintendo-europe.com's servers as of writing.

    The bad news is that Wayback Machine itself couldn't be used to archive the site integrally (something tells me European copyright law had a hand in that, but by no means should you quote me on this), and archive.today did a poor job archiving such that you can't actually play the games--it archives web pages as if they're screenshots, though your cursor still changes shape when hovered on buttons and links.

    I'm just a little bummed, but I had fully expected this to happen
    I knew this was coming. The site never got updated with new content after 2017, and the Cat Mario show stopped the same year, so it was bound to happen sometime.

    It wasn't a good alternative to Play Nintendo in America/Canada, as it had less activities, less variety with their browser games (mostly puzzles and other low effort content, with Kirby's Quick Draw being a carry-over from the Kirby and the Rainbow Curse website (it was also the only game that stopped working prior to the shutdown)), and its other content being stories, quizzes, and videos from Paper Mario Color Splash, Yoshi and Poochy's Woolly World, and the Cat Mario show (whose content was carried over from its American counterpart, minus some segments only featured in the European versions and a change in voice actors) so I wasn't that fond of it.
    Is the taxi service in Romania as bad as this video suggests?
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    worse. if seagal's daughter utters even a single phrase, anything at all (e.g. "wow the city sure is busy today"), the driver will somehow jumpstart that into an academic dissertation on romania's socio-political role in the EU sourced from facebook comments.
    Nintendo published an article with an AI-generated banner. Doesn't seem to be directly related to any of the games they are promoting, just something they came up with quickly. I can understand why: when you're worth billions of dollars, your money overflows past some point and what cash you're left with is too little to pay an artist to do your art.
    god yea it really looks like they just took to neuralblender and then they took the generated image and typed some text in ms paint over it
    so a thread on twitter apparently dedicated to making fun of a person who said that murder is wrong, in the context of some current drama, got thrown my way for fuck-knows whatever reason. my morbid curiosity got me to sift through the replies and i came by this:

    can please someone smarter and more social media literate tell me if this meme is satire or not? with the amount of horrible takes i've seen from twitterites and how facetious everyone in that particular thread is acting, it's really hard to tell for me.
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    can't really tell if your response is a joke too so i'm just gonna accept i'm out of the loop with this and move on
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Big Joel is left-wing youtuber who posts really well-thought out video essays on stuff, so I recognize him for being ironic when he's posting something about a terminally online far-right troll
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    "this unlikeable person should outright die for saying something bad and you're stupid for criticising my extremist views" suggests an attitude more fit for the middle ages. not exactly good publicity for his supposed well-thought out material.

    you're saying he's ironic but he must be covered in a hundred layers because i'm not really getting this vibe at this point. besides, no, you don't excuse batshit insane claims with "haha it was just a joke bro"
    Donkey Kong. Castlevania. Wario Land. Earthworm Jim.

    Why the hell am I so attracted to dead franchises.

    Good thing Metroid Dread came out last year or Metroid would've been up there too.
    That first line reminds me so much of the way I started my English paper with "Super Mario. 80s music. Fanfiction."
    With TVTropes excising their coverage on wiki sites, I'm reminded that I honest to god want to see a take on Super Mario Wiki from Encyclopedia Dramatica.
    (little me feeling super sad about this): Boo…now I'll never get to see anyone make a page on there about MCCW. The only notable thing about it other than the RP itself is a wiki on fandom that isn't even being edited that much. I wish more people on the web would talk about it outside of us Marioboards people! We need more recognition or else we won't get any reviews or merchandise deals!
    Nintendo would smite us into a pile of ash and flames if merch of the Mushroom City Car Wash were to exist.
    I want a Mario Party minigame where you have to imitate a belly-dancer's movements, Simon Says style, using motion controls.
    Question for native English speakers: how do you express, as colloquially as possible, that a drink doesn't quench your thirst? In Romanian, it would be (word for word transl., sort of) "it doesn't hold your thirst"; I'm wondering if something similar exists in English.

    I was once asked by people who don't speak my native language why I prefer bottled water over tap water; when I candidly replied, in English, that tap water "doesn't satisfy me" (simply because I wasn't aware of a less snobbish way to put it), they looked weird at me. I'd, uh, like to avoid situations like that in the future.
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