Looking forward to issue 183? Grand! We've got quite a bit to share with you! As a result, however, we also have quite a bit to double-check and test. It's going to take a little time to get the paper completely ready today, so expect it a little later in the day than usual. Currently, we're estimating release in 4-5 hours, but this is subject to change. The issue will be out today, though, so be sure to check the forum later today - it'll be worth the wait!
Maybe listening to this and the other TOK songs again will finally get the "with the wonders we see / with the sights we behold / so the legends are made / so the stories are told / and the legends all say / that the battle is won / so the world gives its praise / to the god of the sun" bit from the Okami take from MOTI's 2021 Songtober package out of my head.