: HAAAAAH! Finally... out... (for reasons unknown I still look like a skeleton).
: Wow, took you long enough, Charles.
: ... Charles?
: Hm? Oh, sorry. Force of habit.
: I'll just choose to ignore that. Shit's been strange enough as is...
64 is very clunky too but idk I somehow found that it's more mechanically solid. I dunno how to really explain it but while it's more dated I just feel like it's held together better
Sunshine physics are slippery as hell like the moveset is awesome I just wish I could use it to its full potential.
Like you'd HAVE to have grown up with sunshine to not have any issues with how it controls
yeah the game always gave you all the items you ever needed anyway and it's not like the things you cook really give you much of an edge in combat. The way it is it's really just an extra list to fill
I've only just gotten past the superstar saga earlygame so I can't really speak on average M&L quality but also the "M&L is stealing PM's story" is such a dumb take that is both just straight up not true and also another example of people heavily misinterpreting interviews