So, is the Mega Brawl pushed to September to allow for Killing Game and Scribble Scrabble to commence? I'm not trying to pressure you, I just want to know what's happening with it, since we haven't been informed about it since June.
Final presentations have started being distributed! All Fail and Community presentations that have been turned in should be distributed back to you. Mario presentations will be sent out later today! Thank you for your work on presentations, everyone!
For those of you who signed up for presentations: with a number of community happenings today, we're pushing back our presentation check-ins one day, and will be reaching out to each of you sometime tomorrow to see how it's going. If you'd like to give us a brief update before then, feel free! Otherwise, prepare for me to prod your dm's Soonly
Everyone should now have their full results for their awards presentations! If for whatever reason you did not receive yours, let me know! Happy Awards everyone!!
Somewhere far away from here, a set of ruins stand. They have only just been discovered recently, after the successful unclogging of an ancient pipe found within the sewers of Pipe Plaza. They are quite unlike the ruins which belong to other civilizations, and have left archaeologists stumped...
At the top of the hour, the Awards Committee will be having its first meeting of the term! Want to join in? Hop into the Awards server and be part of the fun! Although only committee members can vote in decisions, anybody is welcome to attend and discuss!