Chi-Chi Aug 16, 2020 Well, one of my neighbors hates me for something out of my control, what a way to end a day
Chi-Chi Aug 16, 2020 If there was a show about Scales of music, would there be ... A Minor character?
Chi-Chi Aug 15, 2020 Hey, folks, just want to remind you of the member appreciation topic to show love for your friends, check it out
Hey, folks, just want to remind you of the member appreciation topic to show love for your friends, check it out
Chi-Chi Aug 15, 2020 The first Eto Rangers stream is almost here! Please join me! The first Eto Rangers stream is almost here! Please join me!
Chi-Chi Aug 15, 2020 I want try on leg warmers, a pink barret and long striped socks sometime in my life
Chi-Chi Aug 15, 2020 Good night, folks, I will be streaming Eto Rangers tomorrow at 3 pm pacific time, hope to see you there
Good night, folks, I will be streaming Eto Rangers tomorrow at 3 pm pacific time, hope to see you there
Chi-Chi Aug 14, 2020 Everybody here has a warm and friendly aura yet everyone stands out in a good way, so glad I found this place
Everybody here has a warm and friendly aura yet everyone stands out in a good way, so glad I found this place
Chi-Chi Aug 13, 2020 The one who started the events of the Mother series is named George, the one who brings it to an end is named Lucas
The one who started the events of the Mother series is named George, the one who brings it to an end is named Lucas
Chi-Chi Aug 13, 2020 I want another Fortune Street with Mario, just to see their reactions to DQ11 characters, I can only image the trash talk between Daisy and Veronica
I want another Fortune Street with Mario, just to see their reactions to DQ11 characters, I can only image the trash talk between Daisy and Veronica
Chi-Chi Aug 12, 2020 Despite being autistic, I never flapped my hand as a kid ... tried it now, gotta say, it's pretty fun
Despite being autistic, I never flapped my hand as a kid ... tried it now, gotta say, it's pretty fun
Chi-Chi Aug 12, 2020 Time to play: Real Life or Onion Article? Will Smith decides to make a dark and edgy Fresh Prince reboot after seeing a Youtube video
Time to play: Real Life or Onion Article? Will Smith decides to make a dark and edgy Fresh Prince reboot after seeing a Youtube video
Chi-Chi Aug 12, 2020 "Work is almost over, wrap it up!" "Righty-o!" *Covers the location in gift wrap*
Chi-Chi Aug 11, 2020 At 3:00 PM, Pacific Time on Saturdays, I will be streaming Four Episodes of Eto Rangers, you got to be there! (Note, this series relies on Subtitles)
At 3:00 PM, Pacific Time on Saturdays, I will be streaming Four Episodes of Eto Rangers, you got to be there! (Note, this series relies on Subtitles)
Chi-Chi Aug 10, 2020 Just got the results of the test back: You definitely have the ability to make people happy