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  • What do you like about how you write your posts?
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Personally, as much as I poke fun at myself for it, I feel most comfortable with the level of detail I put into my posts. I don't think I do as good a job as providing insight into my thought processes as, say, Nitwit, but I think I do a fair job giving people enough detail to understand why I'm expressing what I'm expressing, and not just the end result I've arrived at.
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    Reactions: Revin
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    My style of writing RP is heavily inspired by a series of books written for a pre-teen audience. It's very quirky and never takes itself seriously, which I enjoy adapting. For example, a passage of a book reads like this (who is the main villain of the series and he's actually supposed to be intimidating and powerful):

    "...he never wanted to see a dragon or a camel again. Or a whinging cabin boy or an egg. Or three moaning deckhands. Or the craven Drone. But there was work to be done..."

    "He left before sunrise without the Egg, the cabin boy, the deckhands, and, to his relief, the dragon. But he was stuck with Drone and a screaming toddler. And the camel."

    I like to have my posts light-hearted and childish and poking fun at things in general.
    i think i enjoy the fact that i feel just as comfortable doing big, long well-thought out posts as i do low-key posts like this with not much capitalisation or punctuation. its just nice to be able to be comfy enough to do either depending on how i feel and on the situation, cause it means im capable of fully expressing myself in long-winded ways when i want to, but i can also just jump into a chatroom and talk without fear of getting left behind or paralysed by making sure every sentence is perfectly crafted to make sure i get the perfect meaning across. i guess i just think its neat that i can do whatever i like lol
    I want try on leg warmers, a pink barret and long striped socks sometime in my life
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    Reactions: Uniju and Fordsy
    Hey celia. what's up. Is your new avatar supposed to be Fe?
    It's Starfire as a tiger, I'm doing a theme for DC Comics
    OH. I don't know what starfire is but GOOD LUCK
    Good night, folks, I will be streaming Eto Rangers tomorrow at 3 pm pacific time, hope to see you there
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    Reactions: Vivian
    How have I went my whole life not knowing about this
    I want another Fortune Street with Mario, just to see their reactions to DQ11 characters, I can only image the trash talk between Daisy and Veronica
    Haha, that would be great XD The series is coming up on an anniversary, I think, so it'd be cool to see it revisited.
    Better yet, make it also a crossover with Final Fantasy, have Waluigi accidentally joke about Aeirth... fate and then subconsciously feel bad about it and have Luigi and Tidus laugh together
    Despite being autistic, I never flapped my hand as a kid ... tried it now, gotta say, it's pretty fun
    Is that an autistic thing? I mean, I've done that, too, but so have non-autistic people. Autistic kids probably get more of a kick out of it, though :P
    Time to play: Real Life or Onion Article? Will Smith decides to make a dark and edgy Fresh Prince reboot after seeing a Youtube video
    At 3:00 PM, Pacific Time on Saturdays, I will be streaming Four Episodes of Eto Rangers, you got to be there! (Note, this series relies on Subtitles)
    I'd like to say your doomed because Live streams are way more likely to pop up on YouTube but if you want to do it go ahead. I'm not gonna join dimply because I'm not an anime person. I should start running now for saying I don't like Anime on a forum chock full of them shouldn't I? *Flees into the sunset like there's no tommorow*
    There are streaming websites you know, I'm not streaming them live
    Ohhhhhhh. Got it
    What do you like the most about your friends?
    I'm a huge believer in nurtured friendships over circumstantial friendships. What I love about my friends the most is that they transcend any circumstances, despite how long we've seen each other or how far apart our lives grow.
    the fact that they are your friends
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