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  • Songs you heard a long time ago and thought "it's okay", only to revisit and go, "hey this is pretty good"
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    Reactions: Vivian
    i olny listen to video game music but ive def experienced that. i may not think much of it on my first listen, but later on ill realise its actually absolutely incredible?? like with bowser battle 1 from mario odyssey which is one of my favorite songs in the game now! anyway apparently this is because like. the more you hear the song the more you like it and its wild. i think ive heard this in this video
    songs by Queen. I didn't care for it as a kid, by association of it being one of my dads music. But I was reintroduced to it by a friend, and now realize it's kinda funny that my dad likes it, I think a lot of its context went over his head.
    Ugh, I just wish I can have my apps extra data go to my SD card by default, I never have enough storage
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    Reactions: Vivian
    I just want to play Dragon Quest with my friends, man
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Yo, anyone planning to play Dragon Quest of The Stars? If so, I'll add you to my team, I'm a healer
    One day, I hope the media just let's Michael Jackson rest
    They're using the general public's racsim and inability to accept they are wrong about a person to use a abused dead black man for money and to cover for a rapist, it's disgusting
    His music is amazing but that's all I know. Tell me more.
    Due to having a abusive father, MJ lacked a proper childhood and thus grew up into a eccentric personality, combined with the fact he had vertigo, he was made a target by people who couldn't accpet that one of the most powerful men in the industry was black and had issues, to them, he was just a weirdo, they wanted to not trust him because people naturally want to be right no matter what.
    His first acuser's dad was recorded that he wanted money and used his son and MJ to get it, the second case had the F.B.I investigate him and found nothing, the third case victims contirdict themsleves constantly, including breaking oath and purposing a scenerio that flat out couldn't happen without time travel, the media providers also been actually without a doubt found out to be sexual predators, Harvey Wenisten has been found out to make scandals to distract from him, including MJ, and is friends with Oprah
    He still has Blanket on the balcony edge against him, but I am not defending him because he's perfect, I'm just tired of creeps getting away because of the distraction of hatred
    Give out a summary of your favorite story and add "but their bosses didn't like them so they shot them into space" at the end
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    Reactions: Vivian
    A hotshot racecar ends up in a small town but their bosses didn't like him so they shot him into space.
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Some people think the Bay movies are the most hated thing by fans of Transformers, not true!
    Transformers fans hate these way more
    The episode B.O.T
    The Titatium series
    Transformers Energon
    Pat Lee
    Transformers Animated not getting another season
    Combiner Wars
    Kiss Players
    The chracters of Kiss Players
    The fact Kiss Players is still canon
    The art style of Kiss Players
    The evils in humanity's heart that let Kiss Players exist
    The Beast Within
    Other Transformers fans
    A lot of stuff is going weirdly today: My Switch went missing only for it to have a game I don't have and my dad's phone is acting on it's own, combined with intense stomache pain and a overbearing sense of heat, I feel like I am going insane, going to be off for today to cope, sorry
    I think you might be having hallucinations or something. Did you eat anything weird? Did you get enough sleep?
    -hug- it's sounds like an unlucky sick day, and that someone used your switch? any other gamers in your house?
    Anyway hope all gets better for ya
    I still want a sequel to Wario Woods
    Likewise. Not sure if it's a receptive idea given its complexity, but I am in favour of one as long as there's a playable character (unlike in Brain Age Concentration Training).

    Thank you for reading.
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Same, more Wario not-ware titles in general. New Wario Land, Wario Galaxy. Yeah!
    More titles where Wario is the bad guy with wacky settings and minions please.
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    Reactions: Vivian
    For the current members of Abbra Cat Dabra, what can I do in your opinion to improve the site?
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    Reactions: Vivian
    I'll let you know if I think of anything!
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