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  • The next signature character popularity contest is in February and is based on couples! For me, I am entering Robin Hood and Maid Marian!
    Pre redemption Scrooge is worse than Pre Redemption Grinch if you think about it. The worst thing Grinch did before the heist is be a bad owner to Max, still bad, mind you, but Scrooge contempt for the poor could very well lead to people dying cold and hungry, even before Tiny Tim
    I am taking steps to improve my mental health a little bit, so far, I am doing silly walks on purpose, singing and joking in
    public, it's the little things that matter
    Free code for 7 days of Switch online if anyone needs it:C079PRYJRTF0G56B
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    Reactions: Vivian
    I'm not taking it since I'm already subscribed, but just in case you assumed only members could see this, guests can see profile posts too. So it might get taken by someone not even registered here, especially since it's on the front page right now. But it's nice of you to give that away anyway :)
    Watching Disney Christmas Carol, why is Goofy of all people Jacob Marley
    Should have specified that it's Mickey's Christmas Carol, since we already have a Disney Christmas Carol (the Jim Carrey CGI one).

    But yes, this is something that is a pretty surprising casting given how most of the characters are properly cast, with Donald being Fred (obviously appropriate given that Donald and Scrooge are already nephew and uncle), Willie the Giant as the Ghost of Christmas Present (this ghost is normally depicted as a giant) and Mickey Mouse as Bob Cratchit (since Mickey is typically depicted as the cheerful underdog).

    The only two reasons I can conceive Goofy being Marley are two things: one, to put Goofy as an important character since Goofy is one of Disney's best characters, and two, for the physical comedy shenanigans from Marley's chains. Goofy is otherwise too good-natured to be depicted as Marley. Horace MIGHT be a better fit but as it stands, Goofy had to fit somewhere. To a lesser extent, Pete being the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is an odd choice, but I liked it a bit better for the unexpected choice.

    Thank you for reading.
    What would you say your most noticeable typing quirks? I tend to begin my sentences with "so,"
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Capitalisation on terms. This goes all the way back to the Pokemon forums, because they have a lot of things that uses it. This includes moves, abilities and obviously the Pokemon themselves. I typed like that so often it became a habit to me.

    Sometimes I even start a sentence with "Well," if responding, but I don't remember if I did this often since I know when I talk this would happen. The reason was due to Dirty Dawg (a segment of Kwicky Koala) saying "Well I..." when his single-episode girlfriend took his food. Episode: "Dirty-O and Juliet"

    And then there's the obvious one that appears in the forums. Do I even need to say what it is?

    Thank you for reading.
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    Reactions: Vivian
    i just type all lowercase with Emphasis if needed. very frequent keysmashes and typos. intentionally using bad english which is a habit ive kinda wanted to stop doing but i cant so whatever. sometimes lots of dots ............ oh yeah sometimes also a space between a word and punctuation for some reason it gives off a different energy. doesnt work here but i like to use multiple spaces in a row if i can. tahts about it
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    Reactions: Vivian
    I often begin my sentences with "then", and I put two spaces between sentences instead of one.
    So, the death of flash might kill off the legendary Wario Land 4 site, if it hasn't already
    • Sad
    Reactions: Vivian
    R.i.p Not-even-trying-to-sound-like-Charles-Martinet Wario
    • Haha
    Reactions: Vivian
    Garfield MMO: You play as Garfield's past livees in Heaven, main enemy is Blinky and his mooks are Nermals, you get living Pookies as pets, you can ride Odies into battle, Jon isn't in the game
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    Reactions: Vivian
    I can finally make Meowkie into the Garfield canon
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Garfield minus Jon.
    After my mom died and noticing famous Animals dying, my hyper empathy went further beyond, each time I see a cute cat or dog, I think how depressed the owner will be when they're gone, it even applies to my own pets, sigh
    Batman gets his own game series and hogs crossovers but they don't even attempt to touch those other heroes out of crossovers, I don't think Wonder Woman has even got a standalone game at all
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Yeah, Marvel's gaming side isn't lacking faults either, but we got games from Iron Man, Thor (Unfortunately bad games), Captain America, Hulk, Spider-Man, X-Men, Punisher and the Guardians of the Galaxy
    DC gots ... Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Green Lantern and The Flash
    The ones other than Batman suck to the point of infamy, The Flash barely counts due to just being a GBA tie-in to a bigger Justice League game
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    Reactions: Vivian
    First: you might be delighted to know that Flash has an actual game on the Master System. No relation to the Justice League.

    But I do see your point since Batman does have so many video games under his name. I think it's because he has a lot of things that are very compatible with a video game character.

    Thank you for reading.
    *Elmo's Got A Gun voice* Mario's got a sword!
    Ohh Nooo Luigi picked up the super scope

    The Ultimate Showdown, Smash Bros version
    Anybody seen Long John Spaghetti lately? I am getting worried
    He's on Vacation.
    Yeah, he's fine. I expect him back tomorrow haha~
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