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  • Cartoon Network is having a Holiday stream tomorrow, this is where the fun begins
    More fun than the Game Awards at least(Which I am not streaming even if I want to, which I don't, I'll be busy)
    My OC Prompt of the Month project is among the things I'm the most excited about next year, can't wait to see how creative so many here can be!
    By any chance, is your current custom title a reference to SiIvaGunner mix names?
    It's a reference to a cover of Last Christmas
    Power Flotzo
    Power Flotzo
    I see. It sounds like a creative mix name.
    Since Sonic games exist in the Sonic Universe judging by the latest Twitter Takeover, Eggman should start a review site for them called I Rate That Hedgehog
    • Haha
    Reactions: Toadettefan
    Will Solace
    Will Solace
    Not sure if he'll rate '06 the best because
    Sonic gets killed in it
    or the worst because
    he wasn't the one who was able to kill Sonic
    Going to pitch a new style of remakes to a studio: Rugrats remakes, same beloved story but starring those lovable babies, complete with words mispronounced and common house hold objects as the props, wish me luck
    Back, they were already groaning but kicked me out when I mentioned "Rugrats Friday The Thirteen: Jason Takes Manhattan" and I can never enter their building again
    Little did they know I learned about the art of espionage from my script of Rugrats Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge
    Hasbro should make a lock themed after Grimlock
    "Me Grimlock won't let strangers enter your house"
    Or one based of those lockable diary, I trust Grimlock to bite whoever tries to look at my secrets
    I'm going to draw 12 Transformers in December! I got two requests so far, so 10 down, please clarify which version of the character you want though, cause with Transformers, there is always more than 1
    How many people are constantly in a box anyways? Besides Solid Snake, pretty much everyone thinks out of the box
    Transformers is funny cause for some of the stories to work, somebody has to trust someone literally named Swindle
    Nice of the DK Rap to teach you how to clap, you really need to know how if you want to play the DK Bongos
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