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  • I wonder how popular David Cage's games would be without genuinely talented actors trying their best to make that slimeball's awful writing work
    Sonic Adventure is a very fun game with a decent story but something funny is the levels since they're supposed to be a bit more grounded but they come off as utterly ridiculous when you think about them, how is a normal no powers at all resident of Station Square supposed to survive in these? Sonic Adventure 2 sorta also has the same problem but with less of it taking place in a city it's less noticable
    Fun fact: Today is the 10th anniversary of Toonami officially starting it's run on Adult Swim, man, I remember being beyond happy that day
    Lucario + Adult Isaac Spirit and three Critical Damage Attack Sub Spirits + 999 Damage to him= That's what we call big damage
    Modern Ace Attorney fans have it so easy, back in my day, we had to turn our DSes on and off if our save strategy didn't work
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    Reactions: Vivian
    -flashbacks to forgetting to save before fighting legendaries in old Pokemon games-
    Name one time you've heard the line "I've got a bone to pick with you" that doesn't in any way involve skeletons
    Real life.
    ah, but real life people have skeletons so it doesnt count!
    Great, we got Ken Penders 2.0 with whatever the hell Boingkid is
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    Reactions: zel
    You made a character based on puppets and clowns, Evan made a character based on puppets and clowns, wow, it's almost everything you claim to be a rip off are common traits of puppets and clowns
    Will be using my library's wifi to be here tomorrow, according to my internet provider, it won't be fixed till 7 pm
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    Reactions: Toadettefan
    If you think this is annoying for me, I feel worse for those who use the internet to work from home
    Son of a bitch, it's still not up, fuck it, I'll use the stupid phone
    If what I'm being told is right my internet is not going to be fully back on till 4 PM, ugh
    • Sad
    Reactions: Toadettefan
    It's 4:36 PM right now and it's still not up, what a bummer
    You know a really specific type of video game stage I want to see? A level based on Earth Wind And Fire's Let's Groove music video, even better if they get them for the music on it
    Pac-Man is dedicated to his wife and no super rich company not wanting to pay royalties is going to change that
    Pac-Man says to Guile: "No, YOU go home and be a family man!"
    "What about Pac-Mom"
    Note the eyes, no Pac-Person has those eyes outside the Ghostly Adventures verse where Pac-Man is the last yellow one, it's a disguise till this all blows over
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