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  • With Nick getting one for consoles and Cartoon Network already having one, not counting the stuff they bought(Marvel, Star Wars, Fox), I can't recall Disney having a fighting game at all, not even crossovers, there isn't even one for stand alone ips
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    Reactions: The Orca
    The closet I can think of is Mickey playing one for Snow White in Runaway Brain but that only exists in the short and can't actually be played
    Also, there isn't a fighting game for the Muppets and that needs to happen stat, bring in Jim's other stuff if you can
    The Orca
    The Orca
    I would actually like to see a Disney fighting game that features the Classic Disney/Pixar characters (Mickey Mouse series, Lion King, Toy Story, Incredibles, etc) and Disney Channel/Jetix cartoon characters (Proud Family, Kim Possible, Jake Long, Dave the Barbarian, etc). And of course Sora has to be in as well.
    Remember, while it's Important to listen to what others say to improve your blind spots, you also have to think for yourself, even after all presented to you and you still don't feel the same about it, say it, it's better than being trapped in your own mind, twisting in confusion
    And for your own sake, you don't have to listen to something from someone being forceful, fight for yourself or ignore them all together if they cause you anger or grief, you are your own person with your own path, you do not exist to validate the view of another
    Attention my fellow members of the Dark Winds: I do not like cake ... And I honestly forget what that has to do with the first part of this announcement, it will come to me eventually
    Good news, everyone! I have gained control of the dream realm and will give everyone at PragerU nightmares forever!
    • Wow
    Reactions: Lily
    can you give me good dreams for the rest of my life 🥺
    I càn certainly try
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    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    PragerU: The baby fucking dies!
    Apparently, Ron Perlman is voicing Optimus Primal in Rise of the Beasts, I love Ron Perlman but I was really hoping for Garry Chalk, especially after his cameo in the Sonic movie which was also from Paramount.
    I hope him or at least someone from the original Beast Wars voice cast play some part in the new movie, even if it's just a cameo
    6 main games, 2 spinoffs starring Edgeworth, 2 prequels, various crossovers, manga, anime, live action movie and a puzzle game for phones and Ace Attorney still hasn't told us the name of the movie that made Mia cry
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    On the charges of unresolved teasing, I declare the defendant
    Case dismissed, bring in the Dancing Lobsters
    So, if a leak is right, Penelope isn't in A New Legacy at all. THEN WHY DID YOU PUT HER SO MUCH OF YOUR MERCHANDISE?!
    • Thinking
    Reactions: Chowder
    He showed up in one of the trailers I think and Bugs has his helmet
    Yeah, I remember that.

    He was the referee in the first one.

    I'm still super duper excited to watch it!
    Besides her being my fave and this would give her a chance to shine away from Pepe, the Tune Squad only has 2 girls, it's barely a step up from only 1 made for the first movie.
    If not Penelope, why not Petunia who is making a decent amount of modern appreances after barely being used in the classic shorts or Witch Hazel with all the villains on the team?
    Yesterday, my dad told me I had an uncle who took whole bites out of onions. I had no idea I was related to our world's version of Wario
    For the sure severity of your crime, I sentence you to lay down the boogie and play that funky music till you die
    What's the difference between a politician and moo? One's a coward and the other is a cow word
    Honestly, going to the Shadow Realm is much scarier than just dying, at least if you die you could either go to Heaven or outright stop feeling anything, the Shadow Realm makes you suffer no matter what
    Bluster and Swanky appear in the next DK game and nobody remembers who they are except Cranky: "Huh, they put these losers in but poor Chunky is still out of the job! ... I envy Chunky"
    Oops! We ran into some problems.
    Enter a valid message.
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    "Note to Reader: You might wonder why this packet is so long. It's because I discuss other things in addition to my philosophy/worldview. Although I do think these other discussed things are important, I don't think they're that important to warrant their own files, and they were relevant to the discussion of my philosophy.

    That's why they're all discussed in this big file. Many people might say this is an entire book I've written, rather than a packet. I had nothing better to do than write all this material, since I couldn't enjoy my life or hobbies, due to my miserable struggles (especially this recent struggle, which took the longest to recover from). Lastly, a value judgment is where you judge something as good, bad, beautiful, horrible, disgusting, etc.

    So, perceiving value would have to mean perceiving goodness, badness, beauty, disgust, horror, etc. When we have no emotions, nothing can matter to us (since we're apathetic), and we can't see value, worth, or significance in anything. There will be people out there who'd deny this. But, I think it's true. I try to prove how emotions make things matter to us, and allow us to perceive value below:

    I Think I Can Prove The Emotional Perception Theory Of Value: Considering how there are many people out there who disagree with the emotional perception theory of value, I think there's a way for me to personally prove it. This is my own personal argument, which is an attempt to translate emotions into perceptions of value. Positive emotions are the reward wanting and liking in the brain. When you want something and like something, this means it matters to you.

    When something is good, bad, beautiful, disgusting, etc. from your perspective, this means it matters to you. For example, if getting a new video game, or movie, was something good or bad for you, that means it was something good or bad from your perspective, which is the same thing as saying it mattered to you. As I mentioned before, positive emotions make things matter to us in good ways, and negative emotions make things matter to us in bad ways, since positive emotions are the perception of good, and negative emotions are the perception of bad. [...]"

    Must be broken. This is the furthest thing from a valid message and it still let me enter it.
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    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    holy fuck i was just reading through this insane guy's posts the other day
    I'm so tired of creep show art showing up in image search for characters that are minors
    Yoshi! Yoshi!
    Yoshi! Yoshi!
    It helps to have a filter on your search engine to prevent that.
    My main problem is that it exists at all
    I really wish Smash Ultimate had Street Fighter songs that aren't from 2
    Third Strike has some of the greatest music in any fighting game imo and none of it's in Smash?
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