It's important to be aware of problems that hit your blind spots but it is also Important to not to only feel guilt, it's hard to better yourself if you think becoming better is next to impossible, do not only indulge in only people who point out your problems, you have to find your own way in overcoming your stumbles sometimes
In response to defense of crunch from big game devs or letting Youtubers say any terrible thing if you like their videos, I'm thinking of making a topic to point out the huge problems of hero worship, but it could cause tension on the boards based on past experience, should I do it anyways?
Dc and Marvel tend to use their licences they hold at the time to make crossover, so it makes me sad that DC never made Superman go against Goldfinger when they made James Bond comics
I really ought to just see the announcements from the Game Awards from gaming news site and not bother with the actual thing considering the one they thought was good enough to be shown in theaters last big announcement was a terrible The Fast and The Furious tie-in game