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  • Don't expect much from me for a bit. Life is getting craaaaazy with school. (So... much... work...)
    Also early college credit classes are a pain in the butt.
    Cool. What are you going to college for?
    @..., going to be an author, so English major probably, with a minor in music.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Flowey
    I saw a sign the other day that was supporting Biden. However, on closer inspection, I found it said "Biden is an idiot."

    This just makes me sad. Not because I support Biden (I'm still figuring out my political position, and I'd prefer to do that on my own, so please don't yell at me about the 27 reasons why I should be whatever you may be), but because it's just straight up hate. If this is the country I live in now, it... doesn't make me very proud to be an American. I mean, just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I have to hate you. My best friend and I are total opposites, but still, he's my best friend.

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    Reactions: Chowder
    Word I political advice: make sure it lines up with your faith. If it doesn't, throw out the politics not the Bible.
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    Reactions: Mags
    I now see you asked us not to do that. Oh well.
    Thinking of getting back into roleplaying, probably starting small in my Altonia Files RP and testing out some fleshed out character ideas I had for the book.
    (For those of you who don't know, one of the roleplays I started is based on a book I'm writing. The RP was actually supposed to give me some ideas for the book, which it did.)
    The who-ja what now? Which RP was that?
    Mushroom City Car Wash, Cayde, Perry, and Firey are in the hangar.
    Oh yeah. Sure, I guess. I don't have a ton of time to do much on here, though.
    What did you guys think of the latest WoP entry?
    you're making a story will all the previous entries? Sweet! I love Doc's characterization!
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    What did you think? That it was a meaningless jumble of entries? Oh no, I have MUCH bigger plans than that...
    (MWA HA HA)
    Hey Kirby! How's it going there in the Fountain with Dedede, Bandana and Meta Knight?
    Show me a cuter profile picture than mine.

    Go on, I'll wait.
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    Reactions: Flowey
    Princess Zatanna
    Princess Zatanna
    My avatar in the first part of January (TTG Zatanna) was pretty cute
    Yes it was.

    But mine is better.

    Your two new favorite characters will be coming to World of Plight in April.
    Trust me. There's only one other person who I like better than this marvelous duo.
    My spring break todo list:
    Get next month's WoP story written, possibly two.
    Complete one, possibly two YouTube videos.
    Add three people to the Super Mario Boards family album.
    Finish learning Dummy! and possibly learn Ghost Fight on piano.
    I just had a genius idea for a game song with lyrics that could potentially generate a lot of dislikes, just because of what the song is, but now I'm hooked on the idea.

    Want to know what the song is?
    Because well, it's the Song of Storms. It's a timeless song and frankly this doesn't feel like something someone would normally do to it. But I did it anyways and I think it came out well.
    Also because game songs with lyrics tend to generate very loud haters in general.
    I'm not the biggest fan of the concept myself.
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    I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I am HYPED for the 'Shroom, just because I can't wait to see what you guys think of the latest WoP entry. (It's... I can't describe it in words. Which is ironic, considering it's a story told with... words.)
    I just realized.

    If Waluigi gets to Smash, it will seriously disrupt World of Plight.

    Eh, I'll find a workaround.
    if waluigi gets into smash

    the entire universe will implode
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    That's okay, I want him too much for Nintendo to add him so you're good
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    What if instead he takes Bowsers place as president of Nintendo

    World of Plight is due tomorrow and I haven't started yet.

    I really need to organize my time better.
    That's from Cat's Cafe, isn't it? I only heard about that comic from GoComics, but I kind of like it.

    Thank you for reading.
    I'm not the only one who thinks Donkey Kong and Rabbid Cranky should be able in Versus Mode of M+R, right?


    Just me?


    On a side note, I'm missing maybe seven runes in the Donkey Kong Adventure after opening every chest and clearing all the levels and regular challenges. I just haven't completed two of the Ultimates yet, but it may be a while before I do. Anyone know where I can get those, or are there just not enough runes (and power orbs, come to think of it) to complete the skill trees?
    ive 100% both campaigns and yeah theres never enough power orbs or runes to get everything on the skill trees
    dk anbd rabbid cranky would be nice to have in other modes yeah! but theyd probably have to be balanced somehow? like normally i imagine theyre balanced around a campaign where you can only use 3 characters as is
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    Ah. Well that sucks.

    Maybe a second Mario + Rabbids game could add that or something. I wouldn't mind that. But they did come up with those different move sets and what not for the others, so I don't see why they couldn't for DK and RC.

    Oh yeah, I cleared that Ultimate Bad Banana challenge yesterday. Barely.
    About 15 Rabbids were closing in on Cranky who was standing in front of the last bunch, DK was out, and Rabbid Peach could only heal him. But I moved him in a good line of sight and activated Stink Eye so if someone came around the corner or if a Hopper jumped up and over, he would blast right through the bunch. And he did. I was sweating so hard, because if he died, Rabbid Peach wouldn't be able to make it there to break the last bunch. I'm just glad there weren't any Supporters.
    In retrospection, my current theme may have been an unwise choice.

    Oh well.
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