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  • I have made an important decision regarding the Brawl Stars Tourney: Before, you could only play as the Brawl Stars and that's it. Now, however, I will allow both the Brawl Stars and OC's. Tell me who you want to play as and a little bit of info about them, then I'll draw on some info from the existing characters stats and make your character for you to play as. (Hopefullymorepeoplewillnowbeinterested) Ahem, so, hop over there and sign up!
    Holy COW this one was weird. WATCH IT!
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    Reactions: Vivian
    oh neat, that looks really good for a mobile game
    It is, it's amazing. Remind me to tell you about the deep lore later.
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    Reactions: Vivian
    If you get the game, let me know. I'd like to friend you.

    Mind if I elaborate on the lore?
    So, the whole college class thing? Turns out I got a history book when I should have had a government book. Greeat. So now I may have to drop the class or do those two weeks all over again.
    If you're wondering how the college cramming went, I surprised myself and got everything but one project done on time in eleven hours. I am NEVER letting that happen again.
    Oh gosh... I just found out I have almost two weeks worth of college work due today that I didn't know about... pray for me, and yell at me if I get online, please.
    FINALLY figured out how to hard drop in Tetris 99! Total game changer. (We should have a tournament with that game sometime...)
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    Reactions: Vivian
    ok but i warn you, i can play tetris perfectly until my body is physically incapable of moving anymore
    In all the hub-bub surrounding Mario's 35th, you may have not noticed something. Every week, in SSBU, on Wednesday, they announce a weekend event for the Spirit Board or Online Tourney. However, this week, they didn't announce one. (I mean, unless that Mario tourney counts, in which case you can disregard this post.) Now, they could be a little late or whatever, BUT! Usually, this means that a DLC character is coming out! Tell me what you think.
    Of course, they could just announce it when it comes out.
    Yeah I expect a Mario 35th spirit event, but not anything on the scale of a DLC announcement.
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    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    I know it's crazy. I know it will never happen. But. Mario. Mario Bros. Mario Brothers. Mario's brother. Mario's brother Luigi. Luigi. Luigi's "rival." Luigi's "rival" Waluigi. Waluigi.
    Pitch me ideas, I'll consider all of them: How can I make the Brawl Stars game more fun?
    Anyone want to collab on a theme sometime? Just thought that'd be fun.
    Someone give me a boss battle from a Mario game, Kirby game, Smash U., or Miitopia to draw.
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Hmm... I'm thinking something more iconic of final boss-y. (Actually, I've got a draft on my desk for a massive character poster I'm going to make, researching important characters on the WiKirby now.)

    Dark Crafter from Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
    Metal Mario
    Thinking of starting an actual Brawl Stars RP... it would take place in the Brawl Stars universe (I'll find a list of locations) and you could only use Brawlers or robots. Probably a bad idea, though.
    "Isn't this great, Bro?"
    "I'm going to stop you, Brother. As your sister, it's my duty..."
    "Me? Well... I'm Bob-omb."
    "Are you one of the Ancient Ones? Tell me!"
    "In this moment...I am as a bird in a cage."
    "You may have heard of me. I am known as Kamek!"
    "Like you could stop all of THIS from busting loose!"

    ... That was a fabulous game.
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    Reactions: Vivian
    At first I thought you were quoting Gravity Falls as a chat between Dipper and Mabel, a chat dissenting into madness.
    Hah! That would have been AWESOME!
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Before I get a stream of hate mail, let me explain why I have dropped an atomic bomb into the Ask Boards.
    1. I was bored.
    2. I've been meaning to do this for a while.
    3. As to why, I'd like to get to know everyone better, so I went into the threads and asked everyone a unique (well, not always unique) question I'd like to have answered. Believe me, this is no small task. It takes a loooong while to do the first two pages.
    So now you know.
    Also, I will be back in a bit (or tomorrow) to finish asking stuff.
    So that's the reason behind the question.
    I'm not mad, I'm happy that you used my thread, amigo.
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    Reactions: Mags
    If you get down far enough for my ask thread you've probably gone too far :boo:

    One day I'll answer those questions
    I'm thinking of starting a "newspaper" to go here once a week. It'll recap what's happened, who's changed names, anything big happening, ETC. I'm not trying to rival the 'Shroom (I would fail miserably), but I think it would be a fun project. What do you guys think?
    I've filled in every single Not-Bottomless Hole, rescued every Toad, and am working on collecting all the treasures and hitting all the ? blocks, but I still don't have all the music! (Without beating the final boss.) Why?
    I'm missing the following:
    No. 27, which I assume is "Toad Town - Green Streamer Removal, and No.'s 29 & 30.
    No. 128, 130, and 134.
    No. 170, 173, 188, 191-199, and 203-206.
    Anyone know why I can't get these?
    I'd love it if you guys went to check out the Brawl Stars thread in the RP section to see if you would like to join our latest game of Gem Grab! We have two confirmations, but we need six total people.
    Thinking of getting Dragon Quest XI for my Switch, but apparently there's quite a few... inappropriate things in it. I've played the demo and it's lots of fun, but... Any advice?
    As someone who is thoroughly enjoying the game, get it. Yeah, there's a few questionable things in it, something that isn't new for the series, but it's a minor thing in most cases.

    It does play up Jade's sex appeal through one story arc and some of her special skills, but that's about the worst of it, though it never goes into full on "mature" mode. If you've ever played Dragon Quest VIII, she shares similar skills and characteristics to Jessica.
    Still uncertain. I'll have to think about it for a bit...
    Decided against, if you haven't heard.
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    Reactions: Alex95
    Here's a list of random thoughts I had on my trip.

    The Donkey Kong series has some amazing music.

    Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Mario Super Sluggers, and the Mario & Luigi series have some awesome credits music.

    Sarah is a really nice name.

    It's Luigi time! And kudos to Goombuigi for the outro.

    Jesus is coming very soon.

    Bill might not dead.

    Dude Perfect doesn't rely on skill so much as patience.

    We just drive over 700 miles in one day, traveling for some 16 hours straight.

    The guy who voices Scrooge McDuck also voices Jack Allen from Adventures in Odyssey.

    I've been thinking about starting a drawing competition. Would anyone be interested in that?

    I have a 3x3 Rubik's Cube, a 4x4, and one called The Void, and I have no clue how to solve them.

    Maybe the reason Stan Lee didn't make a cameo in Avengers: Endgame is because he got snapped away and never returned.

    Magolor wasn't responsible for his actions in KRtD.

    Brawl Stars has some very deep lore, for example, prior to the game, Rosa and Bea worked together to make Spike, and later, Sprout.

    I may or may not start a YouTube channel soon, featuring my music, game reviews, and stories.
    ALSO I have been thinking of starting a Gravity Falls RP, which I will do tomorrow, or soon, which ever comes first.
    Stan Lee DID make a cameo in Endgame.

    In the New Jersey sequence, he goes "Hey, Man! Make love, not war!" at a guard at at Military base.
    Oh yeah, I forgot about that. OK, that one was wrong.
    Hi. I'm here for like, two minutes. See y'all in a bit. Also. what's up with all the party hats?
    Wiki stuff
    Surrrrre. (Yeah, I saw that little bit. I skipped the rest)
    Yep. We are most certainly screwed. I mean the shroom is one day after the awards. *Crying sound*
    Going on a two week trip, so don't expect me to be online much, or at all. See ya! (I leave tomorrow, so I may be on one or two more times)
    So. How is everyone?
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    Reactions: Vivian
    I dreamt up an entire movie and wrote it down. It's awful like Adam Sandler awful. Dreamt up as in literally was sleeping and had a dream I watched a movie that doesn't exist outside my imagination. Then I re-played A Train To Catch of Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon to collect all the gems and the boo, before fighting King Boo tomorrow. Now I'm going back to bed, good night, or good morning if you're an early bird of my time zone.
    That was supposed to say Adam Sandler knock off*

    Like a B movie trying to be Adam Sandler but not pulling it off.
    So I did a little research and learned about who Magolor is. Jeesh is he the backstabber I'm talking about the character of corse
    I got kirby aniversary collection. kirby's return to dream land. kirby triple deluxe. kirby super star ultra. kirby planet robobot. and kirby mass attack.
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    Reactions: Mags
    Welcome back from your vacation. i missed you. how are you?
    I'm not technically back. Still on vacation, just jumping on for a bit.

    Huh, thanks. Do I know you from somewhere?

    Good, good. All good. Been out of state for over a week, but it's been a lot of fun.
    Is there a way I can look at a list of threads I'm watching? I feel like I've seen one before, but I don't remember how to access it.
    The bar at the top has a Watched tab.
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