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  • Hold up I wanted to post an epilogue in the AKGO thread why'd y'all close it 😑
    awards board can't stay open forever

    people bargained with me for eight days but that was all they could coerce
    • Wow
    Reactions: GBA
    i feel like a comment about snoozing and losing would be appropriate
    I had a dream about a version of the backrooms that was kind of like a video game; each level had a different challenge to complete, you could respawn, and there was some really interesting shit in there, like a co-op level where you had to control someone moving across platforms over lava. It had animal crossing-esque graphics and was really neat
    Help I've been on here for nearly 2 years and I can't find a way out
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    It's too late. There is no escape. (Congratulations on coming up on your forumversary next month!)
    • Like
    Reactions: Blitzo
    you cannot escape us
    • Like
    Reactions: Blitzo
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    Hahaha you see it's funny because there never has been a way out

    Have fun! :)
    • Like
    Reactions: Blitzo
    Help no one's been responding to anything I've said for the past week or so
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    did you accidentally turn into a ghost and not realize it
    I think so
    Halloween does things to a man
    What kind of booty are pirates really looking for 😳
    The kind that can be sold for money
    I need to be more active on here lol
    Start of school has been sucking up a lot of time
    A kid from Pallet Town, with a brand new world to see
    Don't know what's ahead, but it won't get the best of me
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    Reactions: The Orca
    The Orca
    The Orca
    There's so much to learn and battles to be won
    I've advanced so far and still there's always more to come
    Take a step and I'm on my way
    Gonna start all over again
    I wanna be a hero (hero)
    Pokémon Advanced
    I'm on my way
    I wanna be a hero (hero)
    Give it just one chance
    And the future will decide
    If there's a hero buried deep inside
    I wanna be a hero
    I wasn't able to finish my awards presentation in time, but I'm still making it! This is part 1 of the video- part 2 will come within the next week.
    Why are there statistics for average height of men and women but not both together
    • Like
    Reactions: Vivian
    you can manually average them together!
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    It's called "average height of nonbinaries" 😁
    Thinking of getting a job this Summer so I can pay for Pokemon Violet.
    Will Solace
    Will Solace
    Do not give them your money if there won't be a National Dex.
    i don't care about that
    I've been thinking, and I think video game development should be a side hobby for me instead of a full-time job- that way I can make what I want, when I want, instead of always having the pressure to make something
    so I looked online but can't find an answer for this (for some reason), can you transfer regular forms of hisuian pokemon into legends arceus (through pokemon home)?
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    You cannot unless they already exist in Legends Arceus. That is to say, you can transfer a Johtonian Sneasel into Legends Arceus, since they can be encountered in space-time distortions even though there's Hisuian Sneasel, but you can't transfer a Johtonian Qwilfish, as it doesn't exist in Legends Arceus alongside Hisuian Qwilfish.
    • Like
    Reactions: Blitzo
    Cool, thanks
    I figured as much but it's good to know for sure
    why do some things feel like they happened a long time ago but were actually only a month or two ago
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