Recent content by Flygon64

  1. Flygon64

    I guess I became a DQ fan at the right time, lmao. I wonder how much the games are gonna be...

    I guess I became a DQ fan at the right time, lmao. I wonder how much the games are gonna be reworked, I think something more than a new shiny coat of paint and some new QOL is due. Then again... These games are SUPER rudimentary by today's standards, how much can you change without it making...
  2. Flygon64

    Undertale is 99 cents on Steam. Deltarune Tomorrow real.

    Undertale is 99 cents on Steam. Deltarune Tomorrow real.
  3. Flygon64

    Dragon Quest is like the Super Mario of JRPGs, playing through this series has been so...

    Dragon Quest is like the Super Mario of JRPGs, playing through this series has been so illuminating, so many of the common design tropes make sense now. "Actually SMRPG is!" shhh. Criminally underdiscussed, I've been vibing with its emphasis on ludonarrative over the more traditional...
  4. Flygon64

    users can just choose to hide their online status from everyone, ur fine.

    users can just choose to hide their online status from everyone, ur fine.
  5. Flygon64

    Won't get into details but things will probably be getting better for me, possibly not for...

    Won't get into details but things will probably be getting better for me, possibly not for others. Generally, I'm okay-ish now.
  6. Flygon64

    Back from being at the hospital for like... Multiple weeks.

    Back from being at the hospital for like... Multiple weeks.
  7. Flygon64

    This is something you take to a moderator in a DM.

    This is something you take to a moderator in a DM.
  8. Flygon64

    [ATTACH] old ass

    old ass
  9. Flygon64

    ...I'm curious, are you making a fangame?

    ...I'm curious, are you making a fangame?
  10. Flygon64


  11. Flygon64


  12. Flygon64


  13. Flygon64

    Danganronpa is the Family Guy to Ace Attorney's Simpsons.

    Danganronpa is the Family Guy to Ace Attorney's Simpsons.
  14. Flygon64

    post any random Mario thought on your mind

    Going from the original Paper Mario trilogy to Sticker Star is kindaaaa-ish like going from Archie Sonic to IDW Sonic. Fascinating near ship of Theseus situations reined back by the force of BRAND. I've been captivated by remix culture, observing the evolutions of worlds, how quickly they can...
  15. Flygon64

    Sonic X leaving Netflix

    Sounds like a pretty awful ship, if Sonic ever left Netflix, I don't know what I'd do with my life... It'd all turn into a really blue blur, the days would go faster, faster, faster faster faster...At least I still have my UNRIPPED DVD SETS. I'm Flygon64 of Flygon64 town and I exclusively read...