Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure - Lounge (Postgame Feedback Welcome!)

Waluigi Time

The Scientist
Core 'Shroom Staff
Awards Committee
Poll Committee
Retired Wiki Staff
To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of its grand opening and definitely not a desperate attempt to finally squeeze something out of this money pit the Waluigi Time Amusement Park is announcing an exciting new activity - the Artifact Adventure! Will you be one of the lucky parkgoers to participate in its first run?

What is this?
The Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure (or AAAA for short) is a new competitive forum game inspired by the relic hunting format previously seen in Living Game and Nexus of Chaos. In this game, players will be separated into teams and tasked with exploring the Waluigi Time Amusement Park, where they will meet many colorful characters with quests and special artifacts to give out! The goal, of course, is to complete these quests to obtain as many artifacts for your team by the end of the game as possible. Unlike previous games, the gameplay here is more akin to investigative style games you may have played in the past.

How does it work?
The game is split up into three rotating phases, continuing until every quest has been completed.
  • Explore Phase (24 hours) - During this phase, you can explore the park's various attractions. By posting in the game thread, you can examine areas more closely and interact with NPCs to get information from them and discover quests. RP shenanigans with NPCs or other players are allowed to some degree, as long as it doesn't get excessive. Please note that Explore Phases work on a "look, don't touch" rule, you can investigate the environment but can't make any meaningful changes to it. Also, no sweeping (i.e. "Search every location for X" or "Ask every NPC about X").
  • Action Phase (48 hours) - During this phase, you will choose a specific location in the park and submit the actions you wish to perform there in your team PM to make progress on quests. Submissions don't need to be long, roughly a paragraph is fine. If two teams manage to complete a quest at the same time, the artifact will either be given to the team who came up with the more creative solution, or based on a coin flip if that is not applicable.
  • Intermission (24 hours) - No player action required, this is just some buffer time for me to get results written up!
Phase lengths may be adjusted as the game progresses based on player feedback. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you think something is using too much or not enough time!

Each team will generally have their own "instance" of a quest, meaning that any progress you make during Action Phases only carries over to yourself and your teammates. That way, you don't have to worry about your competitors piggybacking off of the progress you made and stealing an artifact from under your nose at the last minute! (The Temporal Committee is going to hate this...) Once a team completes a quest, it is taken out of play for all players.

This is not necessarily a "winner take all" game where the team with the most artifacts wins and everyone else outright loses. To encourage continued participation, each team will instead be competing for a leaderboard ranking based on how many artifacts they collect. Additionally, Bonus Stars will be handed out at the end of the game based on what you did while playing! These won't impact the final score, but they're meant to give a little extra recognition.

Before I let you sign up, I need to be upfront about something very important! Because of the nature of this game, I need to be fairly strict about player activity. Failure to participate doesn't just affect you, it actively hurts your team. If you miss submitting for an Action Phase without prior notice, I will replace you with someone else ASAP and work on remediation for the rest of your team. Basically, if you don't think you can commit to staying somewhat active, please don't sign up for this game.

With that out of the way, I'm looking for 9-15 players to get this game going. (UPDATE: Because of high interest, I'm expanding this to a maximum of 18 players.) You can also sign up to be a replacement player. Sign-ups will be open until , and the game will begin the next day.

  1. Flygon64 (@Monokuma11037)
  2. @Hooded Pitohui
  3. Shoey (@Daniel Dyce)
  4. @Superchao
  5. @GBA
  6. MCD (@Nathan Fielder)
  7. Toadettefan (@Polterpup)
  8. @Roserade
  9. @Yoshi the SSM
  10. @Revin
  11. @Fun With Despair
  12. InsaneBlathers (@Sir Pentious)
  13. @Snack
  14. @Turboo
  15. TPG (@TPG (2))
  16. Gabumon (@Lin Beifong)
  17. @BBQ Turtle
  18. Smasher (@Smashley)

Depending on the number of sign-ups, it may not be possible to have even teams. If this occurs, any team that's short on players will be given a controllable NPC, allowing them to have equal participation in Action Phases. These NPCs will follow the suggestions of the majority of their teammates, but if there's a conflict, they might get confused!
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Me sign up me
Let's do this!
Each team will generally have their own "instance" of a quest, meaning that any progress you make during Action Phases only carries over to yourself and your teammates. That way, you don't have to worry about your competitors piggybacking off of the progress you made and stealing an artifact from under your nose at the last minute! (The Temporal Committee is going to hate this...)
Reporting for duty!


Greetings and saluations! My name is Donna Quiñones, rookie agent of the Temporal Committee. We've received word that it's possible there could be some temporal distortions in this area, and I've been assigned to ensure the proper flow and usage of time!

If you or anyone you know has learned of any temporal improprieties, please make sure you report it to us! Remember - only through the proper flow of time can we all live freely!

The Temporal Committee - Protecting your tomorrows by stabilizing your todays!
I will also reserve a slot for later because they are filling quickly; I might drop to being a replacement
Slots are basically full already, barring one reserved slot which may or may not be filled. Very happy to see the interest here!

Replacement sign-ups are still welcome, depending on how many people are interested I might consider squeezing in a few extra slots. We'll see how it goes.
Uh idk if it's filled up already... if not I'll sign up, and if it is filled up I'm fine with being a replacement player. Just one question, do you need an OC to play? I don't have one, although I would be ok with creating one for this game.

Edit: whoops I just saw WT's new post. In that case replacement sign-up it is I guess.
Uh idk if it's filled up already... if not I'll sign up, and if it is filled up I'm fine with being a replacement player. Just one question, do you need an OC to play? I don't have one, although I would be ok with creating one for this game.
RPing is encouraged, but not required. In forum games, it's always been a mix of pre-existing and original characters.
As it turns out, I'll actually be on a camping trip from July 6th to 12th and won't be able to access the internet during that time. I would be able to serve as a replacement after that time. I'm not sure whether this should warrant a removal from the replacement list. Sorry for the oversight.
Sign up, happy to replace or squeeze
i'll give it a shot if possible
My ears haven't deceived me, have they, son? You say you're distributing exclusive tickets for a spot of gamboling in your... whazzit, now... A Merriment Park, was it? It has been an age since I last allowed myself a dalliance...

Ah, there I go hemming and hawing once more! It hasn't been easy to get on with business of any kind since ol' Laki departed for that great cloud in the heavens above, no sir. I'm afraid I've rather been caught in the doldrums as of late...

Eh? Whazzit? Introductions...?

Oh! Yes, of course, pardon my manners!


You may recognize my personage as Wheezlie S. Puff, as-of-recent-sole proprietor of Lakitaract's and Wheezlie's Curatives and Restoratives. A pleasure to meet you gentlekinds. The companion who stands at my side now was our secretary and bodyguard since a Koopa's age back. You may endeavor to quest the world over for one as steadfast and loyal as he, but you will end your search with an empty grasp, my gentlefriends! Of this, I assure you!

Now, Timothy, don't go forgetting your manners. Please make your acquaintance with these gentlekinds.

: ...

Oh, Timothy, do come now!

Gentlefriends, you shall have to pardon his manners. He did not take well to our dearest Laki's - blessings be unto him - passing.

But this is no time for grief! A wind bellows, blowing towards merriment! Now, son, do please take us to this Merriment Park of yours posthaste!