Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure - Lounge (SIGN-UPS FULL, REPLACEMENTS WELCOME)

Slots are full (real), replacements still more than welcome of course! If we get 1 or 2 more interested users I'd be willing to extend the maximum sign-ups to 18 and squeeze a few more of the players who have already expressed interest in.

As it turns out, I'll actually be on a camping trip from July 6th to 12th and won't be able to access the internet during that time. I would be able to serve as a replacement after that time. I'm not sure whether this should warrant a removal from the replacement list. Sorry for the oversight.
This is fine, if I need a replacement and you can't make it then I'll move on to whoever's next on the list.
Hi I didn't see this so if you can't squeeze me in I'll be a replacement
Well that seems pretty definitive and I doubt we'll need 6 replacements, so I've extended the maximum player count to 18 and bumped up a few replacement players to fill those slots (if you'd rather stay specifically as a replacement, please let me know). This is the only extension I'm comfortable making, so any further sign-ups will have to be for replacements only.

Yeah, uh huh, perchance, indubitably, hmmst, oh yes.

Oh you're too antonym of mean, my my, too greedy, I mean like the opposite of too greedy.


SWEET! I mean, uh, pip pip frosty flakes, well off I go to do my business-oid-esquey things!

I am a master schemer...

Charlie : Okay, like, my throat is just... super sore from doing that Bruce Wayne impression.
So I'm gonna need you guys to pretend I'm maniacally laughing SO hard right now.

Mac : With the Bruce Wayne voice?

Dennis : Would he even laugh maniacally?

Charlie : Sure.

Dennis : Why would he? Why?

Charlie : Why does it always have to be a Bruce thing with you, huh?

Dennis : It became a Bruce thing when you went ahead and stole his identity, I'd suggest looking behind your back when you're out on the street late at night.

Dennis : Y'know why?

Dennis : Because it's gonna become a Batman thing.

Dennis : Y'know why?

Dennis : Because you're the lowly deceptive criminal scum of this city's bath tub and the Batman's gonna SCRUB. YOU. OUT.

Dennis : So take those garbage bags, join your brethren, you belong with them, garbageman.

Dennis : You garbage man...


Mac : What is with those?

Charlie : It's my luggage dude.

Mac : Is that what that call was about, you conned someone? You're gonna get some tickets to some place or something?

Charlie : Ohoho.

Mac : What.

Charlie : Ohoho times ten my friend, so that's like a abunchtillion ohohos for you, five for me.

Mac : Where are you going to dude? Cross the state? Don't tell me overseas.

Charlie : Another world!

Dennis : Check for gas leaks when you come back.

Mac : Uh, which world?

Charlie : A mysteriousful, wonderoverfilled, awe-more-than-just-some land, New Wikisburg.

Charlie : I got a call from someone with a high pitched voice, told me about this city and a park, so then I worked my magic by putting on my rich suave business dude voice and was all like "PLEaSe! PleAse! I wanna go NOW!!" and they were all like "Shuddup! I was getting to that."

Mac : Very mastermind-like.

Charlie : So for no reason at all, this stranger is gonna pay all the expenses needed for me to make my way over to Waluigi Time Amusement Park.

Dennis : ...That doesn't sound suspicious to you?

Charlie : Sounds more BODACIOUS to me, man.


Mac : This winds up either as a kidnapping case or a murder.

Dennis : Data shows, Mac, that a mixture of the two is actually more common than separate individual cases.

Mac : Numbers for that?

Dennis : 911.

Charlie : Yo, don't worry. I'm just gonna be going on a...


Amusing Awards Artifact Adventure!



Charlie : Yeah, I think, probably.


Frank : Sit down, I'm gonna give ya the hard truth.

Charlie : ...Yeah, I think I'm growing a bit, a lot, a ton, more unsure, actually, Frank.

Frank : Ah, it's natural, natural!


Frank : You don't find fun in New Wikisburg.

Charlie : But it sounds like super duper fun.

Frank : It's a freaky lawless place, it defies the rules of reality as we once knew'em.

Charlie : Dunno, still sounds kinda entertaining.

Frank : Maybe for some observers, but not for its denizens.


Frank : I went to New Wikisburg and saw things I shouldn't have seen. Imagine all the media you've ever consumed, comics, video games, sitcoms, all mashed up into a Lovecraftian everything bagel--


Charlie : O-OH--

Frank : And you're in the middle of it all.

Frank : In the middle of an ever-shifting, paradoxical, contradictory, hellscape.

Frank : It's esoteric and incomprehensible on a large scale.

Frank : It's as if the gods can't agree on what it should be like, too many cooks in Heaven's kitchen maybe.


Charlie : ... T-T-This is some heavy stuff, Frank,

Frank : I was walking down a street once and suddenly saw flashes of another life. Trapped, staring at my own corpse and kicking it, my companions murdered one by one.

Frank : The only thing that damn cursed city has to offer is despai--

Dee : Um, well I heard you can get the cure for existential crises in New Kiwiburger or whatever for a limited time. So, like, shut up.

Charlie : Man, you're a life saver, Dee! Frank was really spooping me out.

Frank : Memento mori, remember my words...

Charlie : Yeah, well, I've gotta a... let me read this... a Warp Pipe? To get to. And fast!

Charlie : See ya!

And so Charlie journeyed off to find his way to the perplexing purple man's amusement park.
What artifacts and mysteries shall he and his fellow participants uncover in this latest game?
Will he let his teammates sink into the pits of despair?

I can't wait to find out!


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"In this game, players will be separated into teams and tasked with exploring the Waluigi Time Amusement Park, where they will meet many colorful characters with quests and special artifacts to give out! The goal, of course, is to complete these quests to obtain as many artifacts for your team by the end of the game as possible."


Heh heh. "colorful characters", "quest reward artifacts", "collect as many as possible"...
Show hands, anyone who hasn't heard THAT one before. Couldn't be me.



RebelAgent logged in.

RebelAgent: Boss, I've finally found it!

SurprisedDoctor: Found what?

RebelAgent: Another anomaly! It's at an amusement park with multiple concurrent timelines, and get this... there's gonna be treasure hunting! You know that those two things don't mix... It's a surefire dimensional implosion in the making!

SurprisedDoctor: Alright, calm down a minute. I know the organisation is under hard times ever since that whole "Nexus of Chaos" mess, nobody's taking us seriously anymore and you're chomping at the bit to get back out into the field so we can pay the bills... but I think you might be reaching a little here, man. It's an amusement park.

RebelAgent: Boss, it's run by the guy that convinced everyone that what happened in his factory was because of "cereal fumes". There's no telling what might happen there. You've gotta let me investigate this!

SurprisedDoctor: Alright, you can go. But on one condition: you need to take part in the treasure hunt. Keep a low profile. We're in enough trouble already, I don't want you attracting the attention of any of the other interdimensional peace keeping authorities.

RebelAgent: Yes! You won't regret this, Boss. We'll be back in business in no time.

RebelAgent has logged off.

SurprisedDoctor: Wow, an amusement park treasure hunt, huh? I doubt there's anything serious happening there... it'll be a good holiday for him. Poor kid's been running himself ragged lately.

jonesy fortnite.png

Alright, everyone, listen up, cause I'll only say this once. My name's Jonesy Fortnite, and this area is now under the jurisdiction of the Temporal Authority. We've detected a Class-A temporal anomaly, so we're here to make sure it doesn't escalate into any kind of catastrophic dimensional meltdown that causes us to lose our spot as the number one peace-keeping organisation in the multiverse. I'll be monitoring any kind of dimensional irregularities, so make sure you let me know. Oh, and if you spot people from any other time and space monitoring companies snooping around... uh... pretend this conversation never happened.
Alright, everyone, listen up, cause I'll only say this once. My name's Jonesy Fortnite, and this area is now under the jurisdiction of the Temporal Authority. We've detected a Class-A temporal anomaly, so we're here to make sure it doesn't escalate into any kind of catastrophic dimensional meltdown that causes us to lose our spot as the number one peace-keeping organisation in the multiverse. I'll be monitoring any kind of dimensional irregularities, so make sure you let me know. Oh, and if you spot people from any other time and space monitoring companies snooping around... uh... pretend this conversation never happened.
Ohhh, the Temporal Authority sent an agent too. Wow, this must be a time issue! The rumors were right!

Oh well. The Temporal Committee will accept any help the NUMBER TWO time-regulating agency takes.
*Chaotix Detective Agency, Station Sqaure. A mysterious note has recently been delivered by an unknown party. Charmy checks the mailbox, then excitedly shows the note to his partners, Espio and Vector.*

Charmy: Guys, guys! We've got work! This amusement park is hosting a relic hunt, and we're invited!

Vector: It's great that we're getting a mission, Charmy, but what exactly are we doing at this relic hunt? I don't want to working under that nasty Dr. Eggman again, even if it pays well...

Charmy: Well, we're supposed to work as a team in order to collect artifacts with the other parkgoers. Whoever collects the most will receive a very nice prize! So, are you guys going to participate or what?

Espio: I'm not particularly interested, Charmy. This seems like a big scheme. We don't know who it's from or what the prize is. So I'm being quite skeptical right now. What about you, Vector?

Vector: On one hand it seems fun, but on the other, we don't even know if this is a paid job or not. I know we are the Chaotix Detective Agency and we take any work that pays, but this seems a little suspicious.

Charmy: Aw, come on! It's going to be a lot of fun. Who cares if it pays or we don't know who it's coming from? I just want something to do for us as a team! You guys will go with me, won't you?

Espio: I'll settle a deal, Charmy. You go there and see what's going on. During your time, report back to us at the agency with your findings. That'll allow you to participate without us being involved. It might be harder on your own, but you've proven to be a valuable asset to us.

Vector: Espio's right, Charmy. Both me and him have worked on our own sometimes. Now's your opportunity to show the world what real detective work looks like. Give it your all, little buddy!

*Charmy was delighted by his teammates' encouragement. He packed up his detective gear, and left the Agency as quick as a bee. It was a long way to the amusement park, but Charmy was prepared to show his team what he was capable of without their help.*


What's up? Alright. Uh huh. Yeah, got it.


Boys, I got a call from someone who sounded completely distressed! He needs our help to collect a bunch of MYSTERIOUS artifacts. Doesn't that sound exciting!


That sounds pretty fun, Mr. Boss!


Yup. It'll be fun alright.
Very fun.


Just watch out for the space-time anomalies! Who knows what kind of WACKY stuff might happen if you stumble into one of those silly little things!

Wait when did we get in the car-
Mr. Boss, you- you look pretty chipper today. What's the occasion?


Well, Charlie, I get to meet some old business associates of mine.
What, like friends or something?
Some folks in the temporal industry. Those guys used to spend a lot of time with me.


Time they won't be getting back.


Now, Smiling Friends, who's ready to make Waluigi Time smile?
