Control the Throne

I send a motherlode of enemies from Bubble Bobble at you and you Game Over. A throne for me.
I throw my avatar character's bouncy giant circus ball at you and it knocks you off the throne. Now it is mine. I also put a force field around myself so nobody will be able to push me off of it so I WIN!!!!! (Interesting to see how someone neutralizes that and takes the throne from me-I just KNOW it will happen somehow)
I am so stupid that I don't know what to do. In a fit of confusion, I sit down to think things through. As it turns out I actually sat down on the throne, squishing you in the process. Gasping for breath, you wiggle out from under me and the throne is mine.
I run at you screaming, trip, and accidentally push you off the throne. I guess I get the throne then.