Meta Knight
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  • I would write for the 'Shroom, but 1. I'm terrible at writing 2. You wouldn't accept me if I applied 3. I wouldn't have much time to write anyway
    It's not really a secret because quite a few people are already aware of it but I'm letting the cat out of the bag. As of a few days ago, I am engaged to @MsRetroGeek.
    I'm still accepting song requests for a community playlist in Issue 200! Give me a song here, or send me a DM on the forums or Discord. It's also guaranteed a listen from me, so what are you waiting for?
    You have a little less than 3 weeks to submit something for The 'Shroom's 200th issue. Please send me your creative works no matter how small, and no matter what subject! We want to get as much of the community involved as we can to make this milestone the best it can be.

    You can even contribute by giving me a song in this thread for a community playlist!
    Regarding my previous PSA: it can be ignored because I'm home now. Any submissions can be sent to me and normal activity is resumed. Although regrettably we didn't receive a single 'Shroom application. You all should change that if you're able to, or consider outputting your creativity into something for Issue 200!
    Hey all another public service announcement. Beginning on May 4th, I'll be traveling out of my home country for a vacation. You're still welcome to send me 'Shroom applications if you want, but during this time if you have something to submit, please add @Hooded Pitohui and/or @Shbig Changes just in case so we can ensure your creative work gets reviewed promptly. Thank you for understanding and gave a great day!
    This is a public service announcement to let people know that if you see a fictional black cat roaming around these forums, it's not me. I guess they're living another one of their 9 lives from tragically being blown up on a cruise ship after igniting a priest... Not that I would have knowledge of such a thing. Anyway, write for The 'Shroom!

    EDIT: This joke doesn't work as well on the front page.
    Specific Neptune
    Specific Neptune
    this was supposed to be funny?

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