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  • One thing I found amusing about Everybody 1-2-Switch! is how that game was revealed. It was revealed in June 2023 with hardly much fanfare, and then it was released at the end of that month. This timing is funny because that means Nintendo never need to include this game in their quarterly reports.

    Before this game was released, it was reported as a disappointment because reports indicated that playtesters didn't quite have fondness to the game, plus, it's a 1-2-Switch followup. You know, a game that is a pretty infamous game for its dearth of content (even for how fun they are) for its price value. And I suspect that Nintendo would prefer to sweep this game under the rug with how they handled this game.

    Still, it's kinda surreal that a Nintendo game got reported very heavily like this, given how secretive they generally are.

    Thank you for reading.
    Sometimes I am afraid to as a question that presents two choices, because I felt that if someone just says "yes" (and no further response) in response to them, then I felt that the question is devalued.

    As an example, say I ask "is Dr. Mario 64 a Mario game or a Wario game?", and I have a feeling that it would probably get that "Yes" response and no other explanation.

    Maybe just listing the least-likely choice is better? So in this case "Is Dr. Mario 64 a Wario game?" and it might have some better answers? Or not because it's a far simpler question so a simple answer is more likely.

    Either way, I am not a fan of just a simple "yes" in response to a question posing two or more choices especially if the question is asked in earnest. I might as well be asking a non-question (e.g.: "Dr. Mario 64?") if the answer is not going to elaborate. I think it's helpful to have an explanation on why all of the choices apply, instead of taking the easy way out.

    Thank you for reading.
    I mean are these mutually exclusive? A lot of Wario games from that era aren't just Wario:
    Wario Land: also Super Mario Land 3.
    Wario's Woods: a Wario game where Toad is the protagonist.
    Mario & Wario: self explanatory

    so, I think the best answer to this question would be that it's both a Dr. Mario and a Wario game.
    I think it's not about mutual exclusivity that I am bugged about a simple yes in response to something with two or more choices, it's that if they are both I think that could be elaborated a bit.

    I know the nature of a concise responses makes it easy to say, but it's a bit disheartening to me at least, makes it feel like I am wasting the effort asking something.

    Thank you for reading.
    Hey Winstein. You and I both hate Bubsy. LOL how did you feel when Billionsoft brought him back? I did a full-on facepalm. That franchise was so bad; why did they bring it back?! I even heard that the recent more new games were just as bad as the old ones! 😆

    A bunch of memes were made about the situation, such as this one LOL:

    Bubsy Is Back! NO!!!!.jpg
    I wouldn't say that I hate Bubsy per se. While I am fascinated that such a character exists, I am generally indifferent to the character. Though I do know that I didn't bother to hear his voice because of the fear that I would find it memorably annoying.

    I guess there's a belief that the character's infamy might gain attention? I feel like that's the big reason he's got more games, not just only for the nostalgic value that certain characters were brought back like Croc.

    Thank you for reading.
    • Learned of a phrase called "seven come eleven" (meaning to hope for lucky dice rolls, mainly said during gambling)
    • Presume that the 7-Eleven convenience stores were named after this phrase
    • Nope! 7-Eleven was named after the times they open the store (7am - 11pm), before 24-7 became their thing.
    Well, that was unexpected, but the name certainly is a coincidence nonetheless.

    Thank you for reading.
    Nintendo's recently released their sales figures, and one of my favourite things is this from their presentation slide:

    I know it's not much but I revel in the fact that Mario Party is big enough to be placed side-by-side with the other two greats, Super Mario and Mario Kart. Mario Party is a favourite series of mine so to see it get an upgrade in how Nintendo sees it is very reassuring, not only for its popularity but for its future. If Jamboree sales were added (note that the sales were up to September 2024, before Jamboree released), it could very easily sell better than Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (at 35 million currently).

    The only thing missing is comparing the series with their 3DS+Wii U games, because I want to know how well (or not) their 3DS Mario Party games did overall, since Star Rush and Top 100 didn't reach a million. Note that Kirby, Metroid, Xenoblade, and Pikmin have this comparisons so we were able to get a rough idea on how well their less-popular games like Hey! Pikmin and Kirby Battle Royale sold (the former definitely would be good to have a Switch port even if it's not popular with fans, so that every Pikmin game that's not the mobile one gets to be on Switch).

    Thank you for reading.
    Sometimes I can't tell if Brawl in the Family's depiction of Waluigi is generally a good thing or bad thing for the reputation of the character.

    I guess it's good in that it's a popular webcomic so making Waluigi one of the standout characters augments his popularity, and he's kind of funny.

    But it could also be bad because he is depicted as the most repulsive and unwanted thing in the world, and he also is drawn purposefully much uglier than usual as his regular depiction.

    I am probably inclined to think that there is some good with it, but... I can't deny that negative influences exist.

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    Reactions: Hooded Pitohui
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Waluigi might be exaggerated and over the top but all his disrespect and crudeness is for humour and not a way to denigrate the character imo. It's irreverent but playful, he's the likeable jerk. It's similar to how Wario is in some of the games, such as his selfish attitude in WarioWare.
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    Ditto what LGM said, a character being depicted with negative traits is not necessarily a negative thing for the character's reputation. Plenty of people love characters in spite of, or even because of, their bad traits. There's a reason why villains are so popular!

    It's also worth noting that a character being annoying in-universe and being annoying to the actual audience don't always overlap. Waluigi can be a nuisance to the rest of the characters in-universe, but that's okay because his antics are meant to be entertaining for the audience, not to make you groan whenever Waluigi shows up in a comic. It doesn't hurt his reputation and it's not supposed to. Thinking about comedies in general, I'm sure we can all think of characters who are entertaining to watch even though they're often irritating to the characters around them (and would probably be irritating to us if they were someone we knew in real life!).
    Yeah, I think this sounds about right. The character's portrayal in the comic might make them appealing through their ignobility. Perhaps it's why Waluigi stuck out the most? I don't think any other character had this much focus for one that's "loved to hate" (at least, I doubt Wario or any villain like Bowser is treated as "love to hate" in that comic, nor did they have this much focus).

    What I just thought about is another way Waluigi might be dismissed: using this comic to say that Waluigi's popularity and appeal are artificial because of the claim that Brawl in the Family did the heavy lifting, dismissing anything outside this like the games for contributing to his popularity.

    Still, I think that it's good that the creator of comic has no ill will towards Waluigi (unlike a surprising amount of Smash Bros. fans), based on what he mentioned about him and how Waluigi still gets some focus like that Wallelujah song.

    Thank you for reading.
    Whoa! Somehow that silly (as in, funny) comedic piece I drew a couple of days shot of to become the #4 most upvoted post on the Paper Mario sub-reddit! This is very unexpected because I never gotten posts that got thousands of votes (the most was 1.1k before this). And it's also my first post on this sub-reddit, which makes it even more unexpected. And funny only because I thought it would've been unassuming compared to the others.



    Thank you for reading.
    I am just replying to update that it's reached #3!


    Man, I feel like there's enough material to write for my art thread when I get around to it.

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    In terms of Mario dream teams, I personally would like to see one featuring Mario, Wario, and Waluigi.

    Is this an unpopular opinion? It most certainly is, because I don't think anybody would clamour for it (except me, as you can tell). Why do I like to see this? Partly, of the four plumber guys, these three are my favourites.

    Another thing is, I like to see them interact more: Mario hardly interacts with anyone outside the main cast like Daisy and Waluigi (though Wario had a bit of benefit from being there early), and also Wario and Waluigi interactions are always great.

    Thank you for reading.
    I once asked about if Mario actually stole the Princess Peach statue in the Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 article, because the context of the game (between manual and the ending) indicates that Mario isn't a thief.

    One person responded that he in fact did, even though the game's actions didn't line up. Separately from that response, the person mentioned how it's all semantics (indicating that it is too insignificant to argue about). But I would say that for a wiki, putting in the accurate semantic is important because, wikis are meant to be factual so if we misrepresent a fact, then it would send the wrong message.

    One recent thing that it happened was that DK's Stone Statue mentioned how the star purchase was like Faire Square, which should've imply that you can buy multiple stars, but can be assumed as maxing out to 5 stars only. But that's not the case. A Let's Play collab got it wrong from this article, which affected the players' decision making.

    I can already imagine that if it weren't changed to more accurately portray the game's event, some guy will use the original sentence (of Mario stealing the statue like he's a thief) as proof that Mario's a villain.

    Thank you for reading.
    I agree with you. "It's all semantics" is the incorrect mindset to have when editing a wiki page. The truth is important
    Does the supposed existence of "spinoff hell" imply that appearing mainly in spinoffs is akin to them suffering because of their sins? Does this imply that there is a "mainline heaven" that every character is required to strive for? Are all characters who are born in spinoffs sinners from birth, including the RPG characters?

    Seriously, it's so strange that a character appearing mainly in spinoffs is criticised for it, especially Waluigi, yet some characters who are the same like the RPG characters are generally not.

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    It's disappointing when a game that I recently finished didn't have any speedruns. As an example, I recently finished the game Lair of the Clockwork God (which is adult-oriented despite its cartoonish graphics), yet there are no speedruns.

    Velocity Ultra is another game that didn't have any speedruns and it's kind of sad because the game would look cool when it's speed-ran. (On the other hand, its sequel Velocity 2X has speedruns).

    I guess there's just a great feeling in seeing someone blaze through a game and enjoying how they demolishing it, isn't it?

    Thank you for reading.
    I always thought the phrase "shove down one's throat" to be a graphic and violent way to describe intrusive messages. Especially because of how forceful and painful it sounds. And maybe it's also because sometimes what seems to be such to one person might not be realised by another.

    Thank you for reading.
    Recently learned about this:


    Basically, one scientist conducted an experiment on frogs on the importance of the male in the mating process, by outfitting them in pants (to cover them, if you know what I mean). The experiment sounds funny in hindsight since he did this by putting an outfit on an animal and letting them roam wild in it (the opposite of going commando, I guess).

    Thank you for reading.

    (I don't know if it is appropriate to mention this)
    Based on my results for some variations for "Mario Mania", only the following has meaningful results:

    - Luigi Lania: Some professor's name
    - Daisy Dania: Some author's name
    - Toadette Tania: (to a lesser extent) Some user from Facebook

    The others lead to either incoherent results like "Peach Pania" or "Rosalina Rania", or they have no results like "Yoshi Yania" and surprisingly, "Wario Wania".

    And that's it for another one of my weird observations.

    Thank you for reading.
    Anybody has suggested something Mario-related, and was lashed out for it as a result?

    For me, I was lashed out for suggesting that I would love to see Mario joining Luigi for his ghost-busting endeavours (since Mario lets Luigi joins him in many of his endeavours). Not everybody lash out of course, as some politely disagreed with it, but I've seen some who were aggressive with that thought. That actually took me aback.

    Thank you for reading.
    Thinking about the Game & Watch games, a lot of them have silly premises. Many video games are built upon silly premises like driving a jumping car on platforms, but the most important thing to note about Game & Watch is that it was one of the older video games, so it not adhering to what made sense might have stand out in the midst of more serious and grounded ones, like ones about shooting aliens in space, or maybe a frog travelling across the street to the other side.

    Quite a few are more mundane and grounded, like how Ball is just some guy juggling multiple balls to keep them in the air, or how Boxing is merely two boxers punching each other until one is knocked past their side (now that I think about it, Boxing G&W and Urban Champion have a common DNA). And then you have things like Turtle Bridge, where someone must travel through a row of turtles to deliver packages from one end to the other, or how in Rain Shower, the person somehow thinks it's better to leave the clothes dry and then hop through the clotheslines to prevent raindrops from wetting the clothes. Even established characters aren't exempt, because there's Donkey Kong 3 where Stanley and classic Donkey Kong shoots bug spray to make an insect sting the other, or notably Mario's Bombs Away, where Mario must take a bomb to the other side to his comrade, who is inconvenienced by opposing soldiers and even a (presumably friendly and unaware) comrade callously throwing matches on gasoline.

    Even then, I think there is something to be said how all these silliness don't matter, because those games are fun. Like it would seem more inconvenient for the Mario Bros. to endlessly move boxes through conveyor belts, but there is a fun challenge to be had while doing it. In fact, I kind of wonder what sort of Game & Watch might have been made now, if one may come once in a while, maybe if Nintendo decides to make another Game & Watch and add a new sort of game instead of a re-skinned one (reskinned are like Mario characters in Ball, and Link in Vermin)?.

    Thank you for reading.
    If given something, when one thanks the giver, that indicates gratitude. However, when one would respond with "you're welcome" instead, that denotes entitlement. The latter feels similarly if one does something good but felt the need to say "you're welcome" without waiting for the other person to thank them.

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    I don't know if this will ever happen, but if Splatoon would be inducted for the World Video Game Hall of Fame, that would be awesome for personal reasons.

    Thank you for reading.
    Why is Siy getting kicked in the face in Gusty Garden Galaxy?
    It's not being kicked. It's Mario stretching his legs (one towards the background). The placement of Mario in the original Super Mario Galaxy screenshot meant that I can't move the character too much. I apologise if it looked like physical assault was assumed.

    Thank you for reading.
    It's alright. I loved your drawings. It was just that it looked like Siy was getting kicked by Mario and it kinda made me a little sad to see that upon my first viewing. I know that wasn't what you were interpreting in the photo and I feel no ill will towards you.
    Looks you and me got our wish
    Yeah, that is really great! Not perfect, as I would've liked the other spinoffs to be included like the Gamecube game and the Wonderswan platformer. Still, those RPGs are already rather meaty so it's hard to complain.

    Thank you for reading.
    It's odd how Mario Party, despite being popular and one of the better selling Nintendo IPs, is very much isolated. Mario Kart is referenced in Super Mario (3D World has a level referencing Super Mario Kart) and Paper Mario (Luigi's modern portrayal is known to be driving a kart from Mario Kart 8). Paper Mario's characters are reused in Mario Kart DS and Mario Party 6. Even Donkey Kong's series of games get occasional references in the wider Mario series!

    Mario Party's original characters or settings are never referenced in the wider Mario series, and not even the Koopa Kids have that treatment. Even in Super Smash Bros., Mario Party's representation is extremely paltry (despite being popular that it outsold many majorly represented series like Kirby, Kid Icarus, and Star Fox), where it never got an item, a stage, or even a rearranged music track. While some say that Wario's series are hardly acknowledged in the wider Mario series, you must remember that Super Smash Bros. treats Wario's series as its own thing, so it has the perks of being a unique universe like having a playable character, at least one stage, and a host of music that includes a rearrangement.

    The only contribution Mario Party has to the wider Mario series is a little thing from Mario Party 8, and can you tell what is it? If you don't, it's this:

    Yes, Waluigi's rose is from a Mario Party game, and it's one of Waluigi's defining traits that newer games notably like to reference. Therefore, it should not be forgotten because Mario Party just can't catch a break when it comes to acknowledgement.

    It would make me happy if Mario Party gets the proper acknowledgement in the wider Mario series the same way Mario Kart does.

    Thank you for reading.

    I'm rather curious on which of these two sold the most...

    Thank you for reading.
    @Morpho Knight Both are basically unlicensed lookalikes to the real characters. The tiger is basically called "Regit the Plush Tiger Toy" by Attatoy, but people still called it Hobbes from the product reviews, so despite the name, people didn't really get fooled. As an addendum, the cat did not have an official name, though "Fat Orange Cat Plush" is common. Despite the lack of resemblance compared to the Hobbes-lookalike, people still namedrop Garfield on it like as if it's an official thing (or maybe it's simpler to just call it for what it's supposed to resemble).

    @Bob Craples I guess you might be right: the Garfield-lookalike is posted more on social media, and people also posted the product when it was shrink-wrapped (so it ended up looking contorted). Anything shoddy about Garfield inevitably would become popular, though the only thing I dislike about it is that it's popular for the mockery value (one of the reasons I detest Lasagna Cat).

    Thank you for reading.
    Interesting note: technically speaking, any Calvin and Hobbes merchandise you find is illegal. No one has the license for it, as far as I'm aware. (Thankfully, the Calvinball shirt I have is not illegal since Calvinball isn't what's copyrighted and the tiger on the front looks nothing like Hobbes.)
    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    Wouldn't that just mean that all of it is legal?
    The thread about expressing popular opinions is a rather interesting exercise. It's actually a lot more common to have threads on unpopular opinions that one holds, so to have a twist on the age-old concept would really be an exercise in second-guessing any popular opinion that one also holds. Like for example, the opinion that Charles Martinet is a perfect fit for Mario, that's something that I can get behind. Even if there are some opinions that I don't share within that thread, like the fact that I consider Paper Mario: Colour Splash to be the peak manual design, I can still acknowledge that Wario's manuals are fun.

    Strangely, it's rather difficult for me to mention any popular opinion, because I have a frequent belief that my opinions are generally unpopular. Like for example: preferring Daisy over Peach? Doubt that's popular. Considers Miis to be a great addition to the Mario games? I don't really see this opinion mentioned much (it still exists, I need to point out). Considers NDcube to be a worthy successor to the Mario Party series? The opposite is the more common opinion. Considers Daisy and Waluigi to be an important part of the Mario group? Given how the opinion for them to be shunned is more commonly expressed, I need to have empiric evidence in the form of a poll to be convinced otherwise. I guess it's easier when you check if an opinion is mentioned a lot, but since I have some that are not very common, it's assumed to be unpopular. That's why the only opinion that I could churn out so far is relatively benign.

    It would probably make sense to put this opinion in that thread, but I think that it's a better fit here because I don't want to ruin the general sense of fun that the thread is currently having, compared to my somewhat boring opinions.

    Thank you for reading.
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    My OP I actually did put some thought into, rather than merely list either very specific or obscure content that people won't generally have strong opinions of either way (like what I did when I talked about the likes of King Ka-Thunk). Like, I genuinely believe saying that Luigi's Mansion is a good series of games without a single bad entry is an uncontroversial opinion and I haven't seen much, if any, people on online corners express any strong dislike for those games. I also did thought about other well received Mario titles such as Super Mario Galaxy or Odyssey, but those do have their detractors online that I had seen. Even something like saying The Thousand Year Door is the best Mario title, or best Mario RPG, or even just best Paper Mario title I'm already aware that they have their set of detractors (Koops cough). I also try not to let my personal opinion of a game obscure my views...I know my favorite Mario game, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, has its set of detractors, especially those who think Mario Kart Wii is superior.

    I did think, oh Mario is a good series of platformers but again, I've seen people online who detract that, even Mario fans say stuff like that, and maybe even list entries they think are bad or mediocre (like New Super Mario Bros. 2 or Super Mario Sunshine) to counteract that or even think Mario pales in comparison to other platformer series (such as Kirby, Donkey Kong, or Rayman).
    I understand that. A good first post greatly enhances a thread, and yours is serviceable for the thread's topic. It's just that in some ways, that thread is kind of treated like a joke between trying to say any objective opinions or "opinions" that has no reason to be objected (like the recent one).

    Also, even if other platformer series like Donkey Kong, Kirby, and Rayman have a better track record in good games, I still view Mario to be at another level compared to them because he's the one who not only set the standard, but also gets to take bigger risks and if that worked out, it pays off big time (Super Mario Galaxy and Odyssey are examples). It also helps that Mario is more prolific, while some are exceedingly sporadic and some of them are slow to evolve (mainly it's Kirby).

    Thank you for reading.
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