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  • I don't know if you're still doing the Punch Out!! fad but I found these on Reddit and I thought they were pretty funny
    We're getting Miitopia next month.

    We should be due for another SSBU character soon.

    Some of the characters have been added to promote new releases.

    I'm not saying I'm expecting this, but I would love it.
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Im fully expecting the next smash rep to be revealed at E3, and while I doubt that wed get i dunno, a new mii fighter type as dlc, it would be neat (im expecting crash to be the rep but still)
    You know, I'd love to get a M+R level that was INSANELY hard, (every boss, midboss, and like, three of every enemy on the map at the same time?!) but utilized all playable characters at once - maybe even the Kong's.

    Is that just me?
    i wonder how one would even be able to handle something like this. like juggling not three but ten entire characters? against so much enemies? souondsd like QUITE a lot to strategise around
    Sounds like an insane challenge, but fun.
    Why couldn't Asriel just go to the surface with everyone and get enough souls from the humans so that he could live?
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    But wouldn't that mean Asriel would have to kill humans which would probably start another war
    Don't forget that human souls last a LOT longer than monster souls.

    I actually have an issue with the regular pacifist mode as well. What ever happened to Frisk?
    A lot of the newer members seem more comfortable with posting stuff on others' profiles. Also none of the older members seem to have posted anything.

    Wait, is this another one of those "the new software didn't carry it over" situations?
    We're live!
    Read World of Plight tomorrow! You don't want to miss these two! (And read the rest of the 'Shroom, for that matter.)
    Ah, that would explain it. It's been running for over a year now, so you missed nine months of issues. Here's a summary of the months you missed:
    • Link has a weird dream where Zelda attempts to tell him something bad is going to happen.
    • Wario rants about garlic.
    • King Dedede went missing!
    • Hospital equipment also goes missing.
    • I honestly have no words to describe the pandemonium in Isabelle's entry...
    • Pikachu and Pokémon Trainer find a scrap of fabric that turns out to be from Waluigi's clothes.
    • I get knocked out while interviewing Waluigi, my evidence is stolen, and Waluigi escaped.
    • Waluigi was sighted, but vanished in a mysterious alley.
    • Kirby acts VERY weird is the only way I can describe it.
    • Black Shadow and Blood Falcon go missing!
    • Luigi goes missing, and Daisy gets knocked out at a Halloween party.
    That should be it.

    But really, I would recommend you read everything for yourself so you can draw your own conclusions. Here's the thread with all the links. (I realize there's a lot, so you of course don't have to read them all in one sitting, or at all, if you'd rather not.)
    This sounds fun to read, I should catch up. I have a hunch based on what you just explained and some things you've said about certain matters relating to WoP.

    I swear, everyone will LOVE the duo coming tomorrow.
    I am HYPED for World of Plight this month. Last we saw, Wario had a total Leroy Jenkins moment.
    I like how Von Kaiser's joints clack and clank like he's an old war machine.
    That's because he is one!
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    Reactions: Mags
    What is your character? Then we can come up with a good signature!
    "Ich bin eine Kampfmaschine. Mein Name? VON KAISER!"
    ("I am a fighting machine. My name? VON KAISER!")
    Then make a signature referencing Punch-Out!
    Is it bad to post something on someone's profile who has been inactive for X amount of years just to point something out about their profile?
    Also, (correct me if I'm wrong) it's OK to post on a banned user's profile and ask why, right?
    fun fact: in 2019, the forums made a software transition from SMF to Xenforo. while all the posts got transferred over, some elements did not, which includes post likes, meaning that any posts made pre-july 2019 which have likes on them are only there because people specifically went back after the event to relike those posts.

    funner fact: even during the SMF days, likes were not implemented until the beginning of 2016. this means that, in all likelihood, someone who stopped being active before then, such as Propellor Toad, aren't likely to have had many likes even before the forum software changed

    i hope you enjoyed this short forum history lesson. although with that all said, after taking all of the above into account, it makes me wonder what posts of his ended up getting those two reactions, all these years later... :koopa:
    Oh wow. I was not aware of any of that. Interesting...

    I smell a scavenger hunt question right there. Find one of his reactions! That would be craaaazy.
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    Reactions: Flowey
    My mom says I'll never know what it's like to live a normal life because of my year-round allergies.
    A lot of the new users to seem to like to RP, huh?
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    Reactions: Czario
    Yep. It's interesting how the trends come and go. There was a time when Mindless Junk was by far the most active board (though that was mostly before I joined). Then in 2017 and 2018 the Ask Board was super popular. Now roleplay is the hip new thing, and mafia has come back after being dead since around the beginning of 2018. Who knows what will come next....
    The roleplay/mafia mix y'all have is interesting.
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    Reactions: Czario
    Don't forget to fight the Fury Bowser spirit in SSBU! It's a flippin' Legendary!
    BlueBerryBlue is asking about what's been going on around the Boards and I don't know what to tell him.

    Anyone got something I could say to him?
    this might sound rude, but i would tell him to disengage for now

    he can't get on the boards for a couple years. i think he should try to find child-friendly spaces that are directed for his age, rather than cling desperately to the boards by making you use all this energy on his behalf
    rip miiverse
    He honestly depresses me because he tries to act 21. I'm worried about the adults in his life, how much they actually care about him tbh.
    I'm gonna be honest, in Avengers: Age of Ultron when Vision said "I am," I legit thought he was claiming to be God for a good five years. Further explanation below, if you're interested.

    In the Bible, when Moses was confronted by God at the burning bush, Moses asked who he should say sent him after God told him to free the Israelites from Egypt. God answered, "Tell them 'I am who I say I am.'" Later, when people asked who Jesus was, he said "I am," which means he was claiming to be God.

    You can see why this would cause me confusion.

    I asked my dad about it a couple months ago, we looked it up, and Vision was actually referencing the philosopher who said, "I think, therefore I am," meaning that because Vision could think, he was a real person.

    Anyways, the whole thing is pretty funny in retrospection.
    Now that Nintendo owns Next Level Games, should another Punch Out!! game come out, I bet that we'll be seeing another PO rep in Smash. (Maybe Doc Louis or one contender who has trained under everyone else and utilizes their moves?!)
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    I'd laugh if it was Glass Joe and he's a joke character like Dan from Street Fighter.
    I find it amazing how Von Kaiser didn't train at all and he was ready for Title Defense.

    I think he recovered mentally from his years of fighting after Mac and then gave himself a proper haircut.
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