Dc and Marvel tend to use their licences they hold at the time to make crossover, so it makes me sad that DC never made Superman go against Goldfinger when they made James Bond comics
I really ought to just see the announcements from the Game Awards from gaming news site and not bother with the actual thing considering the one they thought was good enough to be shown in theaters last big announcement was a terrible The Fast and The Furious tie-in game
I really hope the Coldstone code isn't a necessary thing to get the second set of pins, the website refuses to take the code on the receipt and as much as I love milkshakes, I can't spend 25 dollars on them a mouth
I could never be a mod, I would go full "MEGATRON HAS FALLEN, I, STARSCREAM AM NOW YOUR NEW LEADER, FOLLOW ME" mode as soon as I get the job, complete with being slapped to the floor in a nanosecond